This corpus was originally created for performance testing (server infrastructure CorpusExplorer - see: / It includes the filtered database (German texts only) of CommonCrawl (as of March 2018). First, the URLs were filtered according to their top-level domain (de, at, ch). Then the texts were classified using NTextCat and only uniquely German texts were included in the corpus. The texts were then annotated using TreeTagger (token, lemma, part-of-speech). 2.58 million documents - 232.87 million sentences - 3.021 billion tokens. You can use CorpusExplorer ( to convert this data into various other corpus formats (XML, JSON, Weblicht, TXM and many more).
This editor was developed especially for the needs of the KAMOKO project ( The editor allows the quick entry of example sentences and sentence variants as well as the corresponding speaker ratings.
OpenLegalData is a free and open platform that makes legal documents and information available to the public. The aim of this platform is to improve the transparency of jurisprudence with the help of open data and to help people without legal training to understand the justice system. The project is committed to the Open Data principles and the Free Access to Justice Movement.
OpenLegalData's DUMP as of 2022-10-18 was used to create this corpus. The data was cleaned, automatically annotated (TreeTagger: POS & Lemma) and grouped based on the metadata (jurisdiction - BundeslandID - sub-size if applicable - ex: Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit_11_05.cec6.gz - jurisdiction: administrative jurisdiction, BundeslandID = 11 - sub-corpus = 05). Sub-corpora are randomly split into 50 MB each.
Corpus data is available in CEC6 format. This can be converted into many different corpus formats - use the software if necessary.