In this paper we study nonlinear parabolic equations using the method of upper and lower solutions. Using truncation and penalization techniques and results from the theory of operators of monotone type, we prove the existence of a periodic solution between an upper and a lower solution. Then with some monotonicity conditions we prove the existence of extremal solutions in the order interval defined by an upper and a lower solution. Finally we consider problems with discontinuities and we show that their solution set is a compact $R_{\delta }$-set in $(CT,L^2(Z))$.
We study the singular periodic boundary value problem of the form (φ(u ' ))' + h(u)u ' = g(u) + e(t), u(0) = u(T), u ' (0) = u ' (T), where φ: R→R is an increasing and odd homeomorphism such that φ(R ) = R, h ∈ C[0, ∞), e ∈ L1[0, T] and g ∈ C(0, ∞) can have a space singularity at x = 0, i.e. lim sup x→0+ |g(x)| = ∞ may hold. We prove new existence results both for the case of an attractive singularity, when lim inf x→0+ g(x) = −∞, and for the case of a strong repulsive singularity, when lim x→0+ R 1 x g(ξ)dξ = ∞. In the latter case we assume that φ(y) = φp(y) = |y| p−2 y, p > 1, is the well-known p-Laplacian. Our results extend and complete those obtained recently by Jebelean and Mawhin and by Liu Bing.
The 24-hour periodicity of supraventricular (SVPB) and ventricular (VEB) extrasystoles in healthy elderly men (age 49-69 years) was studied at two altitudes during 24 h Holter ECG monitoring. At the low altitude (200 m, n = 26), SVPB were more frequent than VEB. The highest occurrence of SVPB was at 17:00 h, the lowest at 01:00 and 02:00 h (P<0.001). The highest occurrence of VEB was at 09:00 h, the lowest one at 04:00 h (P<0.001). At 1350 m (n=9) the incidence of both SVPB and VEB was approximately twofold higher compared to that at the low altitude (P<0.001). The highest occurrence of SVPB was at 13:00 h, the lowest at 06:00 h (P<0.001). VEB were the most frequent at 10:00 h and 13:00 h, while the lowest frequency was observed at 06:00 h (P<0.001). Our results indicate that the incidence of SVPB and VEB in healthy persons at the moderate altitude is twofold and its periodicity is shifted compared to the low altitude. The cause of increased occurrence of extrasystoles is probably due to β-adrenergic activation of the heart at the higher altitude., Š. Kujaník, M. Sninčák, J.Vokáľ, J. Podracký, J. Koval., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the Newtonian theory of gravity, exact solutionsof the two-body problem are well known, while in general relativity we expect that periodic solutions cannot describe isolated systems. In the presented paper we give a rigorous proof of the non-existence of asymptotically flat periodic solutions to Einstein's equations. Moreover, we introduce several mathematical methods used in the proof., V newtonovské teorii gravitace jsou dobře známá přesná periodická řešení dvoučásticového systému, zatímco v obecné teorii relativity očekáváme, že periodická řešení Einsteinových rovnic nemohou popisovat izolované systémy. V článku podáváme rigorózní důkaz neexistence asymptoticky plochých periodických řešení Einsteinovych rovnic a vysvětlujeme matematické metody v důkazu použité., Martin Scholtz., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The early postnatal period is characterized by a great plasticity with critical windows in which any inadequate insult or intervention may be able to influence both positively and adversely postnatal growth and development. After birth the rat littermates enter the presuckling period (initial 6 hours terminated by the first nursing), characterized by transition from the amniotic fluid to the air, by the changes of the ambient temperature, by the termination of placental nutrition and by oxidative stress. After this stage the suckling period initiates and the littermates start to consume milk of their mothers. Comsumption of milk culminates on day 15, then decreases and terminates on postnatal day 28. The end of the suckling period and the onset of physiological weaning is determined by the moment when the youngs for the first time consume the solid food together with milk (postnatal day 17 in rats). On day 19 the first intake of drinking water occurs. The weaning period terminates by the last consumption of maternal milk – on postnatal day 28. It is necessary to stress that the duration of early postnatal periods is independent of the changes of body weight. The precise knowledge of individual ontogenetic periods critical for further development is crucial for the prediction and explanation of reactions to various pathogenetic stimuli both under experimental conditions and in clinical medicine., I. Ošťádalová, A. Babický., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
First stadium juveniles of P. angustus were reared under controlled seasonal conditions to maturity, reproduction and death. Individuals born in any one breeding season either had a 1-year or a 2-year life cycle (cohort-splitting). The life cycle was annual for individuals born in the first part of the breeding season (May-August), but became biennial for those born later (August-October). Two phenomena were involved: (1) Only individuals reaching the penultimate stadium (stadium VII) before a critical period at the end of spring could become adult in the breeding season following that of their birth. After this time, stadium VII individuals entered into aestivation and only became adult in the second autumn after their birth. (2) Females becoming adult in autumn entered reproductive dormancy and only laid eggs in the following spring. Overall, individuals born at the start of the breeding season easily reached stadium VII before the critical period and were able to breed at I year, whereas individuals born at the end of the breeding season reached stadium VII after the critical period, then had two consecutive periods of dormancy and only bred at 2 years age. Individuals from the same nest born in the middle of the breeding season (August) could have either annual or biennial life cycles, depending on whether they reached stadium VII before or during aestivation. The environmental factors capable of triggering aestivation in subadults and reproductive dormancy in autumn-maturing females are discussed., Jean-Francois David, Marie-Louise Celerier, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy, and Lit
Perioperační péče o diabetika je specifická nejen nezbytností adekvátní korekce glykemie, ale také výskytem komplikací, které se u nediabetiků nevyskytují. Dosavadní antidiabetickou léčbu je proto většinou nutno přizpůsobit perioperačnímu období, u malých a krátkých chirurgických výkonů to však není většinou nutné. Perioperační péči je nezbytné u diabetiků pečlivě zorganizovat a naplánovat. K hlavním zásadám patří adekvátní monitoring glykemií a inzulinové terapie, zajištění nutrice a provedení výkonu ráno., The perioperative care of diabetic patients is specific due to the necessity of adequate glycaemic correction, as well as owing to the occurrence of complications not taking place in nondiabetic patients. The present antidiabetic treatment therefore mostly needs to be adjusted to the perioperative period, but this is largely not necessary in the case of small and short surgeries. The perioperative care of diabetic patients must be carefully organized and scheduled. The main rules include adequate monitoring of blood glucose and insulin therapy, provision of nutrition and surgery performance in the morning., and Alena Šmahelová
Článek informuje o výzkumném šetření, které proběhlo v roce 2014 na gynekologickém oddělení. Kromě výsledků výzkumného šetření jsou zde stručně popsány i operační přístupy využívané v gynekologii, perioperační péče u klientek poskytovaná porodními asistentkami a také potřeby žen v tomto období., The article informs about the research which was carried out at gynaecology department in 2014. Except the results of research there are briefly described surgical approaches used in gynaecology, perioperative care of clients provided by midwives and the needs of women in this period., and Petra Wolfová, Drahomíra Filausová, Romana Belešová