Příspěvek je věnován problematice bezdomovců a žebráků. Podává základní informace o této sociální kategorii lidí zjevně chudých, žijících na okraji majoritní společnosti a vyznačujících se svým specifickým způsobem života. Jen dobře informovaný člověk je schopný pochopit složitou problematiku vzájemné tolerance a rovnosti všech lidí bez biologických a kulturních rozdílů (projevy rasismu, náboženské nesnášenlivosti, xenofobie a intolerance), včetně nezbytné péče o zdravotně postižené a sociálně znevýhodněné skupiny obyvatelstva. Povinností každého jedince, který chce žít v humánní společnosti, je snažit se svým způsobem a možností pomáhat znevýhodněným spoluobčanům v jejich životě, k možnosti navrácení do stylu života majoritní společnosti. Nutností je i šíření empatie k těmto skupinám lidí, kteří se ne vlastní vinou často dostanou do těžké životní situace. Každý z nás si musí být vědom toho, že hranice mezi úspěchem, životním naplněním či nezdarem je křehká., The article is devoted to problem of homeless people and beggars. This is focused on basic information about it as a social category of evidently poor people, living at the edge of majority society, which are characterized by specific way of their life. Each of us must be aware that the line between success and fulfilling life is fragile. It is the duty of every individual who wants to live in human society, seeking their own way, opting to help disadvantaged fellow citizens in their lives, the possibility of return to the lifestyle of the majority society. Only well-informed individual is able to understand the complex issues of mutual tolerance and equality for all people without biological and cultural differences (racism, religious intolerance, xenophobia and intolerance), including the necessary care for the disabled and socially disadvantaged groups., Jaroslava Pavelková, and Literatura
In this paper some taxonomic observations on the Australian flea beetle genus Pepila Weise, 1923 are reported. The following species are transferred to the genus Pepila and lectotypes for them designated: Chaetocnema carinata Baly, 1877; Plectroscelis crassipennis Blackburn, 1896; Chaetocnema fuscomaculata Baly, 1877; Plectroscelis hypocrita Blackburn, 1896; Chaetocnema laticeps Baly, 1877; Plectroscelis meyricki Blackburn, 1896; Dibolia ochracea Waterhouse, 1838; Plectroscelis pallidior Blackburn, 1896; Dibolia pygmaea Waterhouse, 1838; Plectroscelis quadraticollis Blackburn, 1896; Chaetocnema submetallescens Baly, 1877; Plectroscelis tumbyensis Blackburn, 1896; Chaetocnema waterhousei Baly, 1877. The synonymy of Chaetocnema submetallescens Baly, 1877 with Plectroscelis longior Blackburn, 1896 is proposed. In addition, the megalopoides species-group, including P. megalopoides Weise, 1923, P. uptoni n.sp., and P. longifallica n.sp., is analyzed.
Trichobilharzia regenti is a neurotropic bird schistosome, causing cercarial dermatitis in humans. In this study, ZAP cDNA expression library from Radix peregra s. lat. hepatopancreases containing intramolluscan stages of T. regenti was constructed and screened using PCR with specific and degenerate primers, designed according to previously described serine and cysteine peptidases of other parasite species. Full-length sequences of cathepsins B1 and L, and two serine peptidases, named RpSP1 and RpSP2, were obtained. The protein-protein BLAST analysis and parallel control reactions with template from hepatopancreases of T. regenti non-infected snails revealed that only cathepsin B1 was of parasite origin. The remaining sequences were derived from the snail intermediate host, which implies that the initial source of parasite mRNA was contaminated by snail tissue. Regardless of this contamination, the cDNA library remains an excellent molecular tool for detection and identification of bioactive molecules in T. regenti cercariae.
This study describes the effects of cytokine peptides released into the supernatant during an early allogeneic reaction (AR) of mouse spleen lymphocytes or brain cortex cells which differ in their major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The peptides were isolated by ultrafiltration, liquid chromatography and HPLC. We found that both peptides stimulated the cell surface Na+,K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activities of quiescent spleen lymphocytes in vitro and mimicked early allogeneic cell interactions. Both brain and spleen AR peptides inhibited Concanavalin A-stimulated spleen lymphocyte proliferation, whereas 3H-TdR incorporation into DNA of the E7 neuroblastoma cell Une was stimulated by these peptides. The peptide isolated from the supernatant of the allogeneic brain ceU reaction inhibited phagocytosis in phorbol myristate-stimulated LA5-9/8 mouse macrophage cell line. Immunosuppressive activity of spleen AR peptide is supported by inhibition of spontaneous E rosette formation by lymphocytes. The immunosuppressive effect of isolated peptide cytokines on lectin-activated lymphocytes was comparable with the serum thymic factor (FTS, Lenfant et al. 1983). These changes demonstrate the pleiotropic cytokine actions mediated by plasma membrane of immune system and brain cells.