A new version of the previously published corpus Chroma. The version 2023.04 includes six children. Two transcripts (Julie20221, Klara30424) were removed since they did not meet the criteria on the dialogical format. The transcripts were revised (eliminating typing errors and inconsistencies in the transcription format) and morphologically annotated by the automatic tool MorphoDiTa. Detailed manual control of the annotation was performed on children's utterances; the annotation of adult data was not checked yet. Files are in plain text with UTF-8 encoding. Each file represents one recording session of one of the target children and is named with the alias of the child and their age at the given session in form YMMDD. Transcription rules and other details can be found on the homepage coczefla.ff.cuni.cz.
A new version of the previously published corpus Chroma wih morphological annotation. The version 2023.07 differs from 2023.04 in that it includes all seven children and it went through an additional careful check of consistency and conformity to the CHAT transcription principles.
Two transcripts (Julie20221, Klara30424) from the previous versions (2022.07, 2019.07) were removed since they did not meet our criteria on dialogical format. All transcripts of recordings made during one day were split into one file. Thus, version 2023.07 consists of 183 files/transcripts. The number of utterances and tokens given here in LINDAT corresponds to children's lines only.
Files are in plain text with UTF-8 encoding. Each file represents one recording session of one of the target children and is named with the alias of the child and their age at the given session in form YMMDD. Transcription rules and other details can be found on the homepage coczefla.ff.cuni.cz.
CoDipA UNSC 1.0, or a Corpus of Diplomatic Attitudes of the United Nations Security Council is a language resource manually annotated with the attitude-part of Appraisal theory. The speeches were selected according to topic-related
and temporal criteria, and are representative of 5 major international military conflicts that have occurred between 1995 and 2020. The texts were annotated according to the predefined annotation scenario, which is based on the original Appraisal theory and later available commentaries on specificity of its implementation.
The annotated texts are available in JSON Lines format. The corpus also contains double annotations of the 8 selected speeches.
Sanskrit lexicons. The data is made available as scanned images of the works as well as a digitization of the scanned images, which permits computer-aided analyses and displays of the work. Can be downloaded or queried online.
bi-directional parallel corpus based on an open-ended collection of Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese source-texts and translations. Searchable via the IMS Corpus Query Processor and the DISPARA interface