Artificially created treebank of elliptical constructions (gapping), in the annotation style of Universal Dependencies. Data taken from UD 2.1 release, and from large web corpora parsed by two parsers. Input data are filtered, sentences are identified where gapping could be applied, then those sentences are transformed, one or more words are omitted, resulting in a sentence with gapping. Details in Droganova et al.: Parse Me if You Can: Artificial Treebanks for Parsing Experiments on Elliptical Constructions, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan.
This dataset contains a number of user product reviews which are publicly available on the website of an established Czech online shop with electronic devices. Each review consists of negative and positive aspects of the product. This setting pushes the customer to rate important characteristics.
We have selected 2000 positive and negative segments from these reviews and manually tagged their targets. Additionally, we selected 200 of the longest reviews and annotated them in the same way. The targets were either aspects of the evaluated product or some general attributes (e.g. price, ease of use).
The corpus contains pronunciation lexicon and n-gram counts (unigrams, bigrams and trigrams) that can be used for constructing the language model for air traffic control communication domain. It could be used together with the Air Traffic Control Communication corpus ( and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project No. TA01030476
This record contains audio recordings of proceedings of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The recordings have been provided by the official websites of the Chamber of Deputies, and the set contains them in their original format with no further processing.
Recordings cover all available audio files from 2013-11-25 to 2023-07-26. Audio files are packed by year (2013-2023) and quarter (Q1-Q4) in tar archives audioPSP-YYYY-QN.tar.
Furthermore, there are two TSV files: audioPSP-meta.quarterArchive.tsv contains metadata about archives, and audioPSP-meta.audioFile.tsv contains metadata about individual audio files.
Augustin Jirouch, the owner of a mobile cinema, with his wife on Bohumil Veselý's balcony. The couple attending an event called �38 years in the service of a cinematographer´ on 5 April 1941. Screening of Paličova dcera (The Incendiary's Daughter, dir. Vladimír Borský, 1941) at the Šibřina Cinema attended by Vladimír Borský and Lída Baarová.
Family shots of film professional Augustin Vilém Ludvík. Ludvík With his wife at Lucerna Palace in Prague in 1926. Ludvík with his wife and his daughter Eva by the Sandberk Water Reservoir in 1927. Ludvík in his later years with an unidentified man.