From 1994-1997 the food of Coccinella septempunctata L. was investigated on the basis of gut dissections of adults and larvae collected in the field. Additionally, the gut contents of adults fed under laboratory conditions were investigated. The likelihood of recovering different prey types during gut dissection was variable, which will be illustrated by presenting some common prey fragments. The food eaten by adult C. septempunctata throughout a year was studied at a locality in Berlin-Staaken. Ladybirds were collected from March 1994 until November 1997 in different crops and habitats on roughly a monthly basis. Aphid feeding was detectable from April until October. In May and June they were the most frequent food type. Fungal spores, in most cases the conidia of Alternaria spp., became most frequent in July. Additionally non-aphid arthropods were frequently preyed upon in July. A very common non-aphid prey item were thrips. Pollen was important in May and September. Comparing the food components of newly emerged adults with those of overwintered adults some remarkable differences were detected. In newly emerged adults non-aphid arthropods and fungal spores were much more frequent than in overwintered adults whereas aphids were less frequently found. The diet of adults and larvae was also investigated in June and July in cereal fields at two other localities, Northern Flaeming and Magdeburger Boerde. No difference in adult diet was found between the three localities. The composition of the larval diet was relatively similar to that of the adults., Holger Triltsch, and Lit
Four species of Anagrus (A. breviphragma Soyka, A. incarnatus Haliday, A. fennicus Soyka and A. obscurus Foerster sensu Soyka), that live on Carex riparia Curtis (Cyperaceae) in uncultivated areas along the Po river in the Piacenza province in Italy were analysed using RAPD markers in order to investigate their genetic relationships. High levels of RAPD polymorphism were found in the genus Anagrus, which permitted the fingerprinting of the four species. Analysis of average genetic similarities within species and comparison with average values between species confirms that A. breviphragma, A. incarnatus, A. fennicus and A. obscurus represent four genetically distinct species. A dendrogram constructed from molecular data of single families clearly clustered the four species in different groups, their mutual position reflecting morphological and biological observations., Elisabetta Chiappini, Lucia Soressi, Corrado Fogher, Marco Zanirato, and Lit
Portrét amerického fyzika, který získal v r. 2009 Nobelovu cenu za vynález zobrazovacího polovodičového obvodu - CCD senzoru. and Rubrika: Nobelova cena za fyziku
Stále citlivější a menší senzory, které odhalují nesmírně nízké koncentrace látek souvisejících se vznikem a rozvojem nemocí, choroboplodné bakterie v potravinách či různé další chemické a biologické látky kolem nás, mohou přinést zásadní pokrok v lékařské diagnostice, kotrole bezpečnosti potravin, monitorování životního prostředí a mnoha dalších oblastech. and Jana Olivová, Stanislava Kyselá.