The effects of NaCl (200 mM) and osmotic stress generated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) on PSII maximal quantum efficiency, photosynthetic CO2/H2O gas exchange at two CO2 concentrations, content of chlorophyll, proline, and malondialdehyde were investigated in shoots of C4 xerohalophyte Haloxylon aphyllum (Chenopodiaceae). The PEG treatment induced a low water osmotic potential (-0.4 MPa) and inhibited photosynthesis (by a factor of 2) and transpiration (by a factor of 4). The NaCl treatment, at equal osmoticity conditions, reduced transpiration (by a factor of 2) and stimulated photosynthesis (by a factor of 2.5). Only the
PEG-treated plants showed osmotic stress effects, which were demonstrated by an increase in proline and malondialdehyde contents in the shoot tissue. The data indicated that the halophilic character of this species was essential for maintaining the plant water status and photosynthesis under osmoticity induced by NaCl treatment. Herewith, the presence of C4-type photosynthesis appeared to be just an auxiliary mechanism, because this xerohalophyte did not reveal the efficiency in water use typical for C4 plants under osmotic stress, in the absence of a saline substrate., Z. F. Rakhmankulova, P. Yu. Voronin, E. V. Shuyskaya, N .A. Kuznetsova, N. V. Zhukovskaya, K. N. Toderich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The ecophysiological function(s) and consequences of guttation, a phenomenon by which water is exuded by and accumulated as droplets along the leaf margins under high humidity in many plants that grow in wet soil, has been poorly studied and remains largely unknown. Thus, leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were examined, using two experimental approaches, in Alchemilla mollis plants under conditions that promoted guttation and those that prevented this phenomenon. Although results were variable, depending on the experimental approach, prevention of guttation effected reductions in photosynthesis and transpiration, as well as photochemical activity measured with fluorescence techniques. These findings lend partial support for a previously hypothesized function of guttation: prevention of excess water in leaves, yet they contradict those of several other studies. More work is required in order to adequately understand the function of guttation., Y.-C. Chen, T.-C. Lin, C. E. Martin., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Species of the Theobroma genus are primarily known by their commercially valuable seeds, especially, T. cacao is one of the most important tropical perennial crops. Beside T. grandiflorum, T. bicolor, and T. angustifolium, T. cacao is the only species of the genus that has been better studied to obtain physiologically relevant information. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the leaf gas exchange in seedlings of seven species of the Theobroma genus, seeking to identify characteristics that could be used in T. cacao breeding programmes. The study was realized under greenhouse conditions using six-month-old seedlings, in which net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), as well as parameters derived from light curves (PN vs. photosynthetically active radiation) were evaluated. T. cacao, along with T. microcarpum, showed the lowest values of PN, gs, and E, while the highest values were presented by T. speciosum, which showed higher saturation irradiance and lower intrinsic and instantaneous water-use efficiencies, being considered the species less conservative in water use. Therefore, the parameters shown by the different evaluated species could serve to design T. cacao genotypes, through introgression of genes for specific environments such as the cabruca system widespread in southern Bahia, Brazil., A.-A. F. Almeida, F. P. Gomes, R. P. Araujo, R. C. Santos, R. R. Valle., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The present study revealed that Ginkgo biloba and Platanus occidentalis, the most abundant roadside trees in Seoul, grown under polluted environmental conditions, displayed lower contents of total chlorophyll (Chl), carotenoids (Car), and ascorbic acid (AsA) compared to the trees grown under clean conditions. The reduction in Chl, Car, and AsA contents was 59, 53, and 50%, respectively, in G. biloba, contrary to 26, 23, and 24%, respectively, in P. occidentalis. Furthermore, relative ion leakage and leaf temperature was higher in the trees grown under polluted conditions than in those grown under clean conditions. The increase in relative ion leakage and leaf temperature was 58 and 3% for G. biloba and 17 and 4% for P. occidentalis, respectively. Our results, therefore, highlighted the negative impact of urban environmental pollution on the physiological and biochemical parameters in roadside trees., H. N. You, S. Y. Woo, C. R. Park., and Seznam literatury
The most representative evergreen shrub species growing in the low mediterranean maquis modified their leaf characteristics during the year, but the response to climate varied among the species. The reál sclerophyllous species, Quercus ilex L., Phillyrea latifolia and Pistacia lentiscus, showed a convergence in higher leaf thickness and lower net photosynthetic rate (P^) compared with Arhuíus unedo L. and Cistus incanus L. Under summer stress they maintained a substantial positive carbon balance. Pistacia was one of the most tolerant species to the drought, it maintained a substantial positive balance over a wide range in temperature. Arhutus and Cistus had relatively thin leaves with a higher succulence index and higher ihe more characteristic sclerophyllous species. The superiority of Cistus in carbon uptake over all the spacies was maintained throughout most of the year by its morphological leaf properties: low leaf thickness, high chlorophyll contents. Besides, Cistus shed most of its leaves before summer, thus reducing its evaporative surface.