In this paper a longitudinal study is presented of age-dependent speech acoustic characteristics from the utterances of Czech actresses, acquired from movie databases recorded in the years from 1985 to 2014. The age dependence of phonation is analyzed using the parameters fundame ntal frequency, jitter, and shimmer. For assessment of articulation, the formant-based voice area index of vocals and the length of the burst from apalatal stop consonant isused. For prosody, no characteristics were found that were applicable to the analysis of film archives. The results of age dependencies described by the phonetic categories are consistent with the assumptions and conclusions presented in the literature. This pilot project also confirms the possibility of creating valuable studies from publicly available sources., Roman Čmejla, Jarmila Behenská, Tereza Tykalová, Jan Rusz, and Literatura
The study deals with expectations of patients - future consumers of health care services provided in hospitals. Authors of this study propose about how the fulfilled or unfilled expectations can influence the patient’s satisfaction with provided health care. There is also suggested to what categories those expectations most often belong and to what extent is possible in common conditions of Czech hospitals the patient’s expectations comply, Kalábová L., Křečková Tůmová N., Zlámal J., and Literatura
Objective: To determine risk factors in different pathogenic subtypes of ischemic stroke in Tashkent hospital registry and to compare with the data of other stroke registers. Design: Prospective observational study. Participants: 300 adults aged 18 years or over who suffered first-ever acute ischemic stroke, of them, the data of 100 patients with atherothrombotic, lacunar and cardioembolic strokes were analyzed. Main outcome measures: Mathematically significant differences and not significant differences but interesting from other point of view. Categorical variables are expressed as frequencies and percentages. Differences were regarded as statistically significant when the P value was less than 0.05 (P<0.05). Results: Of 100 patients with acute first-ever ischemic stroke at the median age of 62.63±4.68 (interquartile range 25-92) years, 57% were men and 43% were women. Depending on aetiology and stroke subtype, all the patients were divided into three groups: 42 patients with atherothrombotic stroke, 41 – with lacunar stroke, and 17 patients with cardioembolic stroke. Atherothrombotic stroke developed often in people over 60 years old, while lacunar stroke prevailed at the younger age. Stroke cases increased in people over 51 years old. Although men were more likely to suffer strokes than women, stroke incidence was equal in both sexes with increasing of age (over 60 years old), especially in atherothrombotic stroke, testifying to that women live longer. Combination of cerebral atherosclerosis and hypertension was the most significant risk factor for stroke. Atherosclerosis was the main aetiological factor for ischemic stroke, independently of its pathogenic heterogeneity. Diabetes mellitus was an independent risk factor for all stroke subtypes, which in most cases worsened the European Medical, Health and Pharmaceutical Journal ISSN 1804-5804 course and outcome of stroke. Hypertension was the leader aetiological factor for lacunar stroke. In these patients, we Cardioembolic stroke developed mainly because of cardiac thrombosis and valve pathology, which were often associated with chronic diseases of other organs, worsening the course and outcome of stroke. Despite of high prevalence of myocardial infarction in men, women were more likely to develop cardioembolic stroke. Conclusions: This study found simultaneous influence of many risk factors (multifactorial disease) in the development of ischemic stroke. The more course and influence of the underlying disease and risk factor, the higher stroke risk and severity, especially in the absence or inadequate previous therapy of underlying disease before the stroke index. We have noted a high prevalence of under-diagnosis of vascular risk factors at levels of primary and secondary care. We recommend for improved public awareness of vascular risk factors and better diagnostic and treatment facilities aimed at addressing those factors at levels of primary and secondary healthcare. Larger population-based studies may provide additional data on stroke incidence and outcome among Uzbeks., Khurshidakhon Abduboriyevna Rasulova, and Literatura
Czech health and social services have undergone significant changes related to the reform of public administration including the transfer of certain social and health services to the competence of municipalities and regions. Regions also became legally responsible for social services ́ planning process including their registration and since 2015 financing. The findings in the article are based on a qualitative methodological approach, which was used as a combination of public policy documents analyses and primary data analysis. The empirical research was based on focus groups when respondents represented persons caring for the elderly and disabled people as well as providers of health-social services in the Central Bohemian Region. Based on the survey we can state that some types of services are underdeveloped, particularly the domiciliary services, social services for older children and adults with disabilities, respite care and other support services for caregivers. The great problem is the absence of interconnection between health and social services in the region. From the viewpoint of service providers and caregivers the level of municipalities is perceived as closer to the clients than regional level, thus service providers and caregivers aim their demands to municipalities more frequently. and Kotrusová Miriam, Dobiášová Karolína, Angelovská Olga
The Purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of combined treatment for III AB stage of nonsmallcell lung cancer. Nonsmallcell lung cancer spread form treatment is disputable. Operation is not final solution. The combined treatment is being tested (in clinical trials) in this study. This article argues that a combination of treatment is a better option than that of a specific treatment. However, there is a need to find new effective options for combined treatment., Akhat Bukenov, Elena Gizbrekht, Ergaly Shauenov, Bekzhan Orazbayev, Kalmurat Razzakov, and Literatura