Hosts have evolved a multiplicity of defensive responses against avian brood parasites. One of them is mobbing behaviour which often includes direct contact attacks. These aggressive strikes may not only distract the parasites but may also be fatal to them, as documented by cases of dead brood parasite females found near host nests. Here, we present the first video-recording of a great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) host whose vigorous nest defence appears to directly lead to the death of a female common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). We suggest that the chance of parasite death probably rises with the presence of unfavourable factors, such as water below the nest. Our observation supports previous suggestions that hosts may pose a lethal danger to their parasites.
In the article a comparison is made between the lexicographical description of "jestliže“ - as presented in Czech dictionaries of the second half of the 20th century - and a linguistic description of "jestliže“ that we can compile ourself on the basis of the 100-milion Czech National Corpus SYN2000. The focus is on collocations and on their linguistic interpretations.
Zbarvení hraje v životě zvířat zásadní roli a je často pod přísným dohledem přírodního a/nebo pohlavního výběru. Abychom mohli objektivně zhodnotit jeho vliv na životní strategie zvířat, je zaprvé důležité barvu správně měřit a zadruhé nahlížet na ni zrakovým aparátem zainteresovaného pozorovatele. Obě tyto metody popisujeme na příkladu ptáků, konkrétně hodnocení mimeze parazitických vajec., Colouration plays a very important role in the life of animals and its evolution is often under natural and/or sexual selection. For objective assessment of the influence of colouration on animal life strategies the colour should be measured properly and evaluated from the perspective of the studied species. These methods are briefly described based on the example of birds, specifically on the mimicry of parasitic eggs., and Michal Šulc, Marcel Honza.