1. Astra (Líšeň); Kino Orel; Savoy: 12.03.1948 Type: programme Subject: Nevíte o bytě? Language: Czech and German Description: Milenci slečny Haničky / Hannerl und ihre Liebhaber and Osud plavovlasé Morgy; Osud plavovlasé Margy / blonde Verhängnis, Das Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
2. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 12.03.1948 Type: programme Subject: Žena dvou tváří Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
3. Bio Slávia; Slavia; Sport - Schimitz; Sport kino Židenice; Sport: 12.03.1948 Type: programme Subject: Gilda Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
4. Jas Hussowitz; Jas; Bio Jas: 12.03.1948 Type: programme Subject: Gilda Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
5. Květen; Vitagraph; Vitagraf; Elektra; Illusion: 12.03.1948 Type: programme Subject: Včera neděle byla Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
6. Lucerna - Sebrowitz; Lucerna; Lucerna, Žabovřesky: 12.03.1948 Type: programme Subject: Paní Miniverová Language: Czech and German Description: Milenci slečny Haničky / Hannerl und ihre Liebhaber and Osud plavovlasé Morgy; Osud plavovlasé Margy / blonde Verhängnis, Das Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
7. Sibiř; Bio Zora; Bio Sibiř (2); Grand Bio Austria; Grand Bio Moravia: 12.03.1948 Type: programme Subject: Až se vrátíš Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0