Shoots of damaged Quercus dalechampii Ten. saplings were shorter and their growth lagged behind by more than one week compared to the control shoots. Photosynthetic activity in leaves of the damaged trees was significantly lowered. Yet the leaf dark respiration rate was higher in damaged saplings. Changes of both the growth and leaf photosynthetic activities may also be ušed as a sensitive diagnostic parameter in ascertaining the negative effects of abiotic and/or biotic factors of the environment.
Fieldwork was conducted in 1998 and 1999 in the Okavango River and Delta and a total of 275 fishes representing 31 species were examined for the presence of myxosporean parasites. A total of seven myxosporeans of the genus Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882 were found infecting the fishes. Two new species namely Myxobolus etsatsaensis sp. n. from Barbus thamalakanensis Fowler, 1935 and M. paludinosus sp. n. from Barbus paludinosus Peters, 1852 are described. Myxobolus africanus Fomena, Bouix et Birgi, 1985, M. camerounensis Fomena, Marqués et Bouix, 1993, M. hydrocyni Kostoïngue et Toguebaye, 1994, M. nyongana (Fomena, Bouix et Birgi, 1985) and M. tilapiae Abolarin, 1974 are recorded for the first time in Botswana and descriptions of these species are provided.
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