A newly established section containing contributions by the correspondents of the Czech Ethnographical society profiles one of the oldest, and nonetheless still active, correspondent František Pešík (born in 1916) from Brdo, a small village close to Manětín. Many of his manuscripts are placed in society’s archive. Some of them have already been published. The author of Pešík’s profile titled František Pešík and His Cooperation with the Ethnographical
Society M. Válka describes his life story as well as his areas of interest. From the beginning of the 1970s, Pešík continued towards the enrichment of Ethnographical society’s archive by his contributions from different areas of regional history, traditional folk culture and contemporary village life. The actual text by František Pešík Religious Processions in Manětín until the Year 1953 deals with religious processions which took place in Manětín in the first half of the twentieth century and earlier, as well as with their contemporary form. He gives detailed account of processions on the Resurrection Day, Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday), Corpus Christi, feast of St. Mark, Rogation Days, feast of the Holy Trinity, the so called “walking with a star”, etc. He takes notice of individual stations, actions of worship, prayers and priest’s speeches. Another sphere of interest covers pilgrimages - to Plasy, Skoky u Žlutic and Svatá Hora u Příbrami. He pays close attention to interesting personality connected to this phenomenon - the singer Vojtěch Havel. and Tento abstrakt se vztahuje k 2 předchozím článkům uvedeným v oddílu Příspěvky dopisovatelů České národopisné společnosti