Parasitological examination of two ornate Nile monitors Varanus ornatus (Daudin, 1803) imported from Benin revealed the presence of a new species of Caryospora. Oocysts of Caryospora varaniornati sp. n. are spherical to slightly subspherical, 12.0 (11-12.5) × 11.5 (11-12) µm, without a micropyle and oocyst residuum, and occasionally possessing one small polar granule. Sporocysts are broadly ellipsoidal, 8.8 (8.5-9.5) × 6.7 (6.5-7) µm; a lentil-like Stieda body is present, ca. 0.5 × 1 µm; substieda body not visible. Experimental infection of a closely related host, Varanus niloticus (L.), did not lead to the oocyst excretion despite the fact that one of the experimentally inoculated monitors was immunosuppressed by dexamethasone. Histological examination did not reveal stages of coccidian development. Therefore, it is possible that C. varaniornati is strictly host specific.
Mid-infrared region (2-8) μm is currently in the focus of laser physics, which is trying to develop new materials capable of generating coherent laser radiation in this region. This point of interest is connected to the so called infrared atmospheric window which offers new possibilities for solid-state lasers to be used as radars, LIDARs, tools for atmosphere diagnostics, etc. One of these new materials is the dysprosium doped lead-thiogallate (Dy:PbGa2 S4 ). In this article, we present brief characteristics of this laser active medium from the point of view of laser physics and we demonstrate the output radiation characteristics of three laser systems with dysprosium doped lead-thiogallate as their active media generating radiation at 2400 nm, 4300 nm a 5400 nm. The spatial structure, energy, impulse length and emission spectra of the output radiation were determined. and Stredná infračervená oblasť (2-8) μm je v súčasnosti terčom záujmu laserovej fyziky, ktorá sa snaží vyvinúť nové materiály, ktoré by mohli poskytovať koherentné laserové žiarenie v tejto oblasti. Tento záujem sa spája s existenciou tzv. infračerveného atmosférického okna, ktoré otvára nové možnosti aplikácií laserov generujúcich žiarenie v tejto oblasti ako sú radary, LIDARy, prostriedky pre diagnostiku atmosféry a podobne. Jedným z týchto nových materiálov majúcich takéto vlastnosti je dyspróziom dopovaný olovo-thiogalát (Dy:PbGa2 S4 ). V tomto článku prezentujeme stručnú charakteristiku tohto laserového aktívneho prostredia z pohľadu laserovej fyziky a demonštrujeme vlastnosti troch laserových systémov, obsahujúcich Dy:PbGa2 S4 ako aktívne médium, generujúcich žiarenie na vlnových dĺžkach 2400 nm, 4300 nm a 5400 nm. Výstupné žiarenie charakterizujeme z hľadiska priestorovej štruktúry, energie, dĺžky impulzu a emisného spektra.
Laboratories of optical micromanipulation techniques (OMITEC - see were founded ten years ago as a part of Department of Quantum Light Generators of Institute of Scientific Instruments. In cooperation with Institute of Physical Engineering of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Technical University in Brno intensive research of interactions between laser radiation and solid objects has begun. This research deals with three basic categories - non-contact manipulations with microand nano-objects, microablation and using photopolymerization to create structures in microscopic scale.
Starting with the basic principles of light emitting diodes (LED), the history of blue LED development is briefly described in order to justify and explain the awarding of the Nobel Prize for physics in 2014 to I. Akasaki, H. Amano and S. Nakamura. Exploitation of blue LEDs in lighting techniques enables a substantial decrease in energy consumation and enables emerging smart applications, which could be considered as the most important lighting revolution after the introduction of incandescent bulbs more than a century ago., Jan Valenta, Ivan Pelant., and Obsahuje seznam literatury