L’article est consacré à la fibule-pectoral de Želenice, découverte en 1843 et devenue depuis un des objets emblématiques de la recherche archéologique de la Bohême. On propose d’y retrouver une formule de gestion du calendrier luni-solaire, documentée jusqu’ici seulement par une dalle gravée de Knowth en Irlande, du IVe millénaire av. J.-C., un pectoral de Slovaquie de la fin du IIe millénaire et le calendrier gallo-romain de Coligny, du IIe siècle après J.-C. La recherche de son origine s’appuie sur une fibule de Sanzeno (Italie), très proche par la complexité de sa construction et certains détails techniques. Elle suggère une origine centre-alpine de la première moitié du Ve siècle av. J.-C. plutôt que balkanique. and Considerations about the meaning and the origin of the pectoral-brooch from Želenice in Bohemia. The pectoral-brooch from Želenice, discovered in 1843, is one of the most illustrated and discussed Iron age archeological discoveries from Bohemia. A new research, based on a Late bronze age pectoral from Slovakia, indicates a symbolic representation of the measure to correct the difference between lunar and solar year (two supplementary months every five years). Before, only three evidences are known: an engraving on stone slab from Knowth in Ireland, from the fourth millenium B.C., the Slovak pectoral, dated around 1200 B.C., and the calendar of Coligny, second century A.D. The origin of the pectoral-brooch from Želenice, now dated in the fifth century B.C., seems to be central alpine area rather than Balkans.
The paper deals with the stories representing the suicide of Prague (German writing) authors, Christian Heinrich Spieß, Johann Friedrich Ernst Albrecht and Reactions to the Wertheriads, which document the divergent development of cutures of subjectivity (Reckwitz) in Central Europe in the age of Enlightenment. The first part of the paper reconstructs the influence of the radical preromantism and Sturm und Drang, namely The Sorrows of Young Werther in the Bohemian Lands. Next, It compares the Stories written by Spieß and Albrecht with Werther as a paradigmatic text and its model of Subjectivity. It focuses to the Story Die neue Sapfo written by Spieß in 1779, which documents the genesis of his later stories and the development of the conception of the role of the subject., Václav Smyčka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy