Po téměř tři desetiletí usilovali čeští lingvisté o vznik instituce, která by zastřešila českou jazykovědnou bohemistiku v oblasti teoretického bádání i praktické péče o český jazyk. Došlo k tomu až v roce 1946, kdy byl založen Ústav pro jazyk český, za jehož přímého předchůdce je považována Kancelář Slovníku jazyka českého. Ta však byla pracovištěm primárně lexikografickým (i když vzhledem ke komplexní povaze zpracovávání jazykového výkladového slovníku bylo třeba věnovat se též např. pojetí spisovnosti, nářeční situaci, pravopisu, ortoepii, stylového charakteristice slov, etymologii apod.), jež bylo do ÚJČ převedeno coby jeho lexikografické oddělení. Vznik dalších oddělení ÚJČ však svou (i když často nesystematickou) činností předznamenaly také komise III. třídy (příp. komise společné I. a III., resp. III. a IV. třídě) České akademie, které zcela, či částečně braly v potaz také lingvistický aspekt zkoumané problematiky. Dialektologické oddělení ÚJČ mohlo stavět na předchozích výzkumech dialektologické komise, oddělení pro studium nové spisovné češtiny navázalo na činnost pravopisné komise, oddělení vývoje jazyka využívalo materiálů shromážděných komisí pro studium staročeské bible a komisí pro fotografování rukopisů a starých tisků. Provádění soupisů jazykovědných prací přešlo kontinuálně z bibliografické komise na bibliografické oddělení ÚJČ. V roce 1953 vzniknuvší Fonetický kabinet při ÚJČ vycházel přímo z prací komisí fonografické, ortoepické a fonetické a onomastické oddělení (začleněné do ÚJČ až v roce 1969) bylo přímým nástupcem komise místopisné., For more than three decades, Czech linguists strove to establish an institution devoted to Czech linguistic bohemistics in the area of theoretical research as well as the practical care of the Czech language. That did not happen until 1946, when Ustav pro jazyk cesky (''Institute for the Czech Language'') was established, with the Kancelar Slovniku jazyka ceskeho (''Office for the Dictionary of the Czech Language'') considered as its first direct predecessor. The Office, however, was primarily focused on lexicography (even though the concept of standardisation, regional dialects, orthography, orthoepy, stylistic characteristics of words, etymology and other disciplines also required attention, too, given the comprehensive approach to the preparation of an interpretative dictionary), and was included in the Institute as its Department of Lexicography. The establishment of the other departments of the Institute was then influenced by the - sometimes non-systemic - activities of the Class III. committees, and sometimes joint Class I, III and IV committees, of the Czech Academy which either wholly or in part dealt with the linguistic aspects of the matter. The Department of Dialectology at the Institute was able to build upon the earlier research carried out by the Committee for Dialectology, the Department for the Study of New Standardised Czech Language followed up on the activities of the Committee for Orthoepy, the Department of Language History used the materials produced by the Committee for the Study of the Old Czech Bible and the Committee for Photocopying Manuscripts and Old Prints. Work on gathering linguistic papers was transferred smoothly from the Committee for Bibliography to the Department of Bibliography at the Institute. The Cabinet of Phonetics, established at the Institute in 1953, directly based its work on the papers produced by the Committee for Phonography, Committee for Orthoepy and Committee for Phonetics. The Department of Onomastics, included in the Institute for the Czech Language no earlier than in 1969, was a direct successor of the Committee for Topography., and Překlad resumé: Věra Dvořáčková a Melvyn Clarke
Po druhé světové válce zintenzívnělo úsilí o založení akademické instituce věnující se výzkumu v oblasti fonetiky a ortoepiky. Výsledkem byl Fonetický kabinet, zřízený v roce 1953 jako autonomní pracoviště při Ústavu pro jazyk český Československé akademie věd. Na konci šedesátých let byl plně organizačně začleněn mezi ostatní oddělení Ústavu pro jazyk český ČSAV pod názvem fonetická laboratoř. Kabinet resp. laboratoř navazoval na činnost komisí III. třídy České akademie věd a umění, které se buď zcela (Ortoepická komise, Fonetická komise) nebo částečně (Fonografická komise) zabývaly jazykovědou. Hlavní přínos těchto třech komisí (nejen pro českou jazykovědnou bohemistiku) spočívá ve vytvoření unikátního fonografického archivu, dokumentujícího dobový jazyk v různých vrstvách, a také v rozpracování hlavních teoretických principů v jazykovědě., Efforts were taken as early as just after the end of World War Two to establish an academic institution which would carry out research in phonetics and orthoepy. As a result, the Cabinet of Phonetics was established in 1953 as an autonomous section under the Ustav pro jazyk cesky (Institute for the Czech Language) of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. During a reshuffle at the end of the 1960’s it became an ordinary department as part of the Institute for the Czech Language as a Phonetic Laboratory. The Cabinet, or Laboratory, followed up on the work of three ''Class III.'' CAVU committees which either wholly (Committee for Orthoepy, Committee for Phonetics) or in part (Committee for Phonography) dealt with linguistics. The key importance of these committees, not only for Czech Bohemistics, lies in amassing a unique phonographic archive documenting the contemporary national language in its various layers, and also in elaborating major theoretical principles in linguistics. (Translated by Hynek Zlatník), and Překlad resumé: Hynek Zlatník
The recessive lethal character Luteus-Pa, expressed as a yellowing of leaves of young seedlings and followed by death approximately 60 d after emergence, presents a 3:1 segregation in crosses and/or selfpollinated plants. We evaluated quantitatively the fluorescence emission of chlorophyll (Chl), gas exchange, and chemical composition of normal and recessive homozygous cacao seedlings of the cross Pa 121×Pa 169. The characteristics of Chl fluorescence kinetics were studied in stages B2, B3, C, D, and E of leaf development, corresponding to plant ages of 9 to 12, 13 to 15, 16 to 20, 21 to 30, and >30 d, respectively. Gas exchanges were measured in mature leaves of both seedlings. In regular intervals of 3 d beginning at 33 d after emergence, the seedlings were separated into roots, stems, leaves, and cotyledons to determine the contents of saccharides (SAC) and free amino acids (FAA) and variation of the leaf Chl content. The Chl distribution in complexes of the photosynthetic apparatus was analysed by SDS-PAGE in mature leaves of both normal and recessive 32-d-old seedlings. There were variations in Chl fluorescence, gas exchanges and chemical composition of different parts of both types of seedlings. However, no significant differences were found in the Chl distribution through photosynthetic complexes of 32-d-old normal and recessive homozygous seedlings. After that period a decrease in the Chl concentration was observed in the recessive seedlings, and only minimum fluorescence (F0) was found. The F0 values were higher in the recessive seedlings than in the normal ones. The net photosynthetic rate of mature leaves was negative in agreement with low conductance, transpiration rate, and high internal CO2 concentration. These factors might have contributed to a depletion in SAC in different plant parts. Although F0 partially reflects the Chl concentration in leaf tissue, the increase in its value was probably due to a damage in reaction centres of photosystem 2. Therefore, the growth and development of recessive homozygous seedlings depended exclusively on cotyledon reserves, the depletion of which leads to death. and A.-A. F. de Almeida, R. R. Valle, P. Serrano Minar.
Prolamellar bodies (PLBs) isolated from dark-grown, 6.5-d-old leaves of wheat (Triticum aesíivum L. cv. Kosack) were treated with the carboxylic acid cross-linker l-ethyl-3-[3-(diniethylaniino)propyl]carbodiimide (EDC) or with the lysině specific cross-linker 2-iniinothiolane. SDS-PAGE showed that the most prominenent cross- linked product was a dimer of the NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (PCR), but also larger aggregates of the polypeptide were identified by inununological detection on electro-blots. A two-dimensional diagonál gel showed that much of the cross-linking was between the PCR polypeptides. The cross-linkers induced a shift of the fluorescence peak to shorter wavelengths, a bandwidth increase of the fluorescence peak, and an increase of the fluorescence yield. In the presence of NADPH the blue shift was reduced, but the increase in the fluorescence yield still occmred. A cross-linker treatment of PLBs prior to solubilization with 1-0-n-octyl-P -D-glucopyranoside (octylglucoside) delayed, but did not prevent the spectral shifts from 657 to 646 nm and from 646 to 635 nm observed in non-cross-linked detergent- treated PLBs. The cross-linking did not prevent a spectral shift, corresponding to the Shibata shift, of Chlide. Thus the spectral shifts are not strictly coupled to disaggregation of the PCR polypeptides.