The purpose of the paper is to introduce various stochastic programs and related deterministic reformulations that are suitable for engineering design problems,. Firstly, several application areas of engineering design are introduced and cited. Then, motivation ideas and basic concepts are presented. Later, various types of reformulations are introduced for decision problems involving uncertainty. In addition, short notes on comparison of optimal solutions are included. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
We investigate the problem with perturbed periodic boundary values \[ \left\rbrace \begin{array}{ll}y^{\prime \prime \prime }(x) + a_2(x) y^{\prime \prime }(x) + a_1(x) y^{\prime }(x) + a_0(x) y(x) = f(x) , y^{(i)}(T) = c y^{(i)}(0), \ i = 0, 1, 2; \ 0 < c < 1 \end{array}\right.\] with $a_2, a_1, a_0 \in C[0,T]$ for some arbitrary positive real number $T$, by transforming the problem into an integral equation with the aid of a piecewise polynomial and utilizing the Fredholm alternative theorem to obtain a condition on the uniform norms of the coefficients $a_2$, $a_1$ and $a_0$ which guarantees unique solvability of the problem. Besides having theoretical value, this problem has also important applications since decay is a phenomenon that all physical signals and quantities (amplitude, velocity, acceleration, curvature, etc.) experience.
The paper sketches an analysis of the notion of a self-fulfilling belief in terms of doxastic modal logic. We point out a connection between self-fulfilling beliefs and Moore’s paradox. Then we look at self-fulfilling beliefs in the context of neighborhood semantics. We argue that the analysis of several interesting self-fulfilling beliefs has to make essential use of propositional quantification., Příspěvek načrtává analýzu pojmu sebe-naplňující víry v podmínkách doxastické modální logiky. Poukazujeme na souvislost mezi seberealizujícími se víry a Moorovým paradoxem. Pak se podíváme na sebe-naplňující přesvědčení v kontextu sémantiky sousedství. Tvrdíme, že analýza několika zajímavých sebe-naplňujících přesvědčení musí nezbytně využít výrokové kvantifikace., and Igor Sedlár