The pan and tilt devices (P&TD) are often used for mounting of camera and antenna systems which must track moving targets precisely and speedily in many applications. For the basic testing of the adjustment and the quality of their positioning servomechanisms, the unit step functions of position or velocity are used as command signals. We have developed the program SNBP (Simulator aof Random Excitation Processes) for the complex testing. The algorithms description of its foregoer EFG (Excitation Functions Generator) was published in the conference Engineering Mechanics 2004. As time goes on, it has shown the necessity to develop a connecting link - the generator of only basic command signals necessary in the middle phase during servos testing. We have utilized the traditional model of a target movement, i.e. the hypothesis about its uniform straight-line motion. This model is not able to generate a correct command signal for the elevation motion control in the range greater than ±90°. At present, P&TDs are made with substantially greater elevation ranges. Therefore we have remade completely the model. The simulation model, which we present now, is able to generate the command signal for the unlimited traverse motion and for the elevation motion, too. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Newtonova latinská formulace prvního zákona pohybu je od prvního překladu Principií (A. Mott 1729) až po současnost interpretována ve smyslu zákona setrvačnosti rovnoměrného přímočarého pohybu. Newton však svou formulací prvního zákona ve spojení s komentářem k ní vyjádřil zákon setrvačnosti rovnoměrného pohybu i rotačního. Je to dokázáno na základě Newtonových rukopisů a údajů v Príncípiích. Je navrženo odpovídající správné znění prvního zákona ve fyzikální literatuře a v učebnicích. Těleso setrvává ve svém stavu klidu nebo rovnoměrného pohybu [postupného, rotačního] v daném směru, pokud není působícími silami nuceno tento stav měnit., Newton‘s latin enunciation of the First law of motion is interpreted beginning with the first translation of the Principia till nowadays, in the sense of the law of the uniform rectilinear motion. Newton expressed, however, by his enunciation of the First law in connection with the commentary to it also the law of inertia of the unifom rotatory motion. This is proved on the basis of Newton's manuscripts and of the data given in the Principia. Corresponding correct wording of the First law is proposed to be used in the physical literature and in the textbooks., Martin Černohorský., and Obsahuje seznam literatury