A data base was generated for quantifying effects of thermal time (degree-days) on the appearance of new leaves, the expansion of such leaves to maximum area, their death, the appearance of new internodes below the node associated with such leaves, and the extension of these internodes to maximum length. The data base for a list of crop (agronomic and horticultural), weed, and native Tallgrass Prairie plants has been summarized, with equations for the above events as a function of degree days, with appropriate base temperatures and maximum cut-off temperatures, in a Java applet which is available at a website with the URL <http://th190-50.agn.uiuc.edu>. Associated graphical plots such as shown in this paper are also given. Branching behavior was accounted for. These events predict the effect of thermal time on leaf age and its height in the plant canopy, both important factors needed for upscaling functions for leaf behavior to those for behavior of the plant canopy. The data base is evolving to include coefficients for other species. Coefficients are used to predict the leaf area index of the canopy, which is important for predicting evapotranspiration from the crop and the protection of the soil from erosion. and X. Pan ... [et al,].
Čeští a slovenští středoškoláci se na 49. meznárodní fyzikální olympiádě opět neztratili a domů do střední Evropy přivezli tentokrát 6 medailí a 3 čestná uznání, čímž navázali na dobré výsledky reprezentantů obou zemí z let minulých. and Jan Kříž, Ivo Čáp, Filip Studnička, Ľubomír Konrád.