In bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings well supplied with water, rates of transpiration (E) and CO2 assimilation (PN) of the primary leaves were measured under blue (BR) or red (RR) irradiance of 150 µmol(photon) m-2 s-1. The leaf conductance to H2O vapour transfer (gH2O), as well as the intercellular concentrations of H2O vapour (ei) and of CO2 (Ci) were calculated. Under BR, gH2O was significantly greater, but PN was lower, and E similar as compared with corresponding values found under RR. The increase of stomata aperture under BR was evident although Ci was higher and ei was lower than under RR. Results agree with the suggestion that BR directly activates guard cell metabolism and in well watered plants determines mainly the stomata aperture. and S. Maleszewski, E. Niemyjska, B. Kozłowska-Szerenos.
Článek shrnuje současný stav přípravy odborníků v oblasti termojaderné fúze v České republice. Věnuje se hlavně nově vzniklému studijnímu zaměření Fyzika a technika termojaderné fúze na FJFI ČVUT a následovně rekonstrukci tokamaku CASTOR/GOLEM, který má ambici sloužit jako vzdělávací experiment pro studenty z celé Evropy, mimo jiné v rámci projektu FUSENET., Vojtěch Svoboda, Jan Mlynář, Jan Stöckel, Igor Jex., and Obsahuje bibliografii