We present here an example of the main features of the Atlas of calibrated IUE LWR low resolution spectra of on-supergiant G-type stars whose preparation is now in progress. The source of references for the relevant astrophysical data is the Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data (SIMBAD) available through the C. D. S. (Strasbourg, France).
Posterotestes gen. n. (Digenea: Apocreadiidae, Apocreadiinae) is proposed for specimens with the following features: spiny body, posterior position of gonads, extension of vitelline follicles up to level of intestinal bifurcation and absent at post-testicular space, long oesophagus and extension of caeca up to anterior testis. Posterotestes unelen sp. n. is described from the intestine of the native fish, Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Osteichthyes: Percichthyidae) from Patagonian Andean lakes.
Recently I have accomplished an article dealing with photometers [12], more than 10 years developed and produced in the Optical development workshop of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. My oponent’s argumentation against some terms provoked me to immerse more deeply into the terminology what finally gave rise to the fundamental article corrections. In course of time I found on web an article of prof. James M. Palker devoted to the photometry and radiometry which attracted my interest. Using his ideas I altered my terminology and renamed the photometry as radiometry (and later the radiometry was tentatively replaced by photonmetry, see this article conclusions) and I concluded that I was not alone being lost in this area and it will be useful for the Czech technical community to think hard about used terms and to try to unify the terminology step by step. The prof. J. M. Palmer’s article involves a lot of other interesting ideas which can be very useful also for our experts in practical fields. Therefore I am attempting here to translate his basic thesis in the most understandable manner. and Není to tak dávno, co jsem psal článek o fotometrech [12], které jsme ve Vývojové optické dílně AV ČR déle než deset let vyvíjeli i vyráběli. Výhrady oponenta k některým termínům mne postupně vedly dál do terminologie a musel jsem nakonec svůj článek podstatně zkorigovat. Tak jsem časem dospěl přes internet i k článku profesora Jamese M. Palmera o fotometrii a radiometrii. Tento článek mne velmi zaujal. Jednak jsem svoji terminologii na jeho základě změnil, takže fotometry jsem přejmenoval na radiometry (ještě později jsem radiometry zkusmo nahradil názvem fotonometry, viz závěr tohoto článku), jednak jsem došel k závěru, že nebudu sám, kdo v tomto oboru tápal anebo tápe, a že snad bude i pro českou technickou a vědeckou společnost užitečné se nad používanou terminologií zamyslet a snažit se ji postupně sjednotit. Článek prof. J. M. Palmera obsahuje řadu dalších zajímavých informací, které mohou být i pro naše odborníky v dotčených praktických oborech velmi užitečné. Proto jsem se zde pokusil o co možno nejsrozumitelnější překlad jeho základních tezí.
Al3+ in combination with kinetin showed more protection against degradation of chlorophyll (Chl) and protein than Al3+ or kinetin alone during dark-induced senescence in wheat primary leaf segments. MV-dependent whole chain electron transport, photosystem (PS) 2 mediated oxygen evolution, and PS1 activities were also delayed to a greater extent. Absorbed excitation energy distribution was more in favour of PS1 in Al3+ plus kinetin-treated leaf thylakoids at 72 h. and D. Subhan, S. D. S. Murthy.
The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) of two freshwater and one marine species of the genus Chloromyxum Mingazzini, 1890 were sequenced. The SSU rDNA trees obtained show the phylogenetic position of the marine species Chloromyxum leydigi Mingazzini, 1890 to be at the base of the freshwater clade, being well supported by a high bootstrap value. Chloromyxum cyprini Fujita, 1927 is closely related to Chloromyxum truttae Léger, 1906 and they represent a sister branch to raabeia sp., Myxidium sp. and Myxidium truttae Léger, 1930. Chloromyxum legeri Tourraine, 1931 is in a position ancestral to Myxidium lieberkuehni Bütschli, 1882 and Sphaerospora oncorhynchi Kent, Whitaker et Margolis, 1993. Three newly sequenced species of the genus Chloromyxum represent three separate lineages within the myxosporean tree and do not support the monophyly of this genus.