A new coccidian parasite of the genus Caryospora Léger is described from the colubrid snake Boiga dendrophila Boie, 1827 imported from Kalimantan. Oocysts of Caryospora kalimaniunensis sp. n. are spherical, 18.7 (17.0-20.0) pm in diameter, with a bilayered slightly pitted and brownish oocyst wall. A micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent. One globular polar granule is present in 45% of sporulated oocysts. Sporocysts are ovoidal to ellipsoidal, 14.5 (13.0-15.5) x 10.5 (10.0-11.0) pm, with prominent Stieda and substieda bodies. Sporocyst residuum is present as small granules scattered among sporozoites. Sporozoites are elongate, lying lengthwise and parallel within the sporocyst and completely filling the sporocyst. Each sporo-zoite contains a spherical anterior and posterior refractile bodies.
A review on far-infrared brightness-temperature maps of the solar atmosphere is presented. They have been taken with the aid of a 60 cm-diameter balloon-borne telescope at a height of 39 km in France. Three bandpass filters at the wavelengths 50 μm, 80 μm and 200 μm of 6 to 10 % bandwidth have been applied. The filters as well as the Au-doped Ge bolometer were cooled by liquid He. An
observation on 30.4.83 represents the active sun, while one on 28.9.84 shows the quiet sun. The observations at the three wavelengths correspond to three different heights in the solar atmosphere at the transition of the photosphere and chromosphere. Over active regions, average temperature enhancements of 75 K to 250 K are observed relative to the inactive regions depending of the height in the solar atmosphere.
Even though, the techniques of electronic packet switching are able to meet bandwidth requirement of today’s network traffic, they are limited by abilities of installed electronic parts and demand for transferred data rate, which grows each year. The optical technology used in electronic packet switched networks is used only for poin-to-point data transfers, where data are converted to electric domain for routing purposes, than they are processed and converted back to optical domain at the end of the node. The priority of networks evolution is to remove this conversion bottleneck and to process data in all-optical domain. Such a network which process data in all-optical domain is called the photonic network or the all-optical network.
Using aluminum films combined with protective dielectric film is amethod of choice for many reflective applications in the visible (VIS) and the near infrared (NIR) range. An optical defect occurred during the introduction of the deposition aluminum (Al) films protected by a silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) protective film in our laboratory. Both films were deposited using an electron beam evaporator. S iO2 layers were deposited using the ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD). The results were not satisfactory. Produced films were matting and struggled with a significant reflectance decrease. The article presents an experimental approach which has been performed in order to eliminate the matting effect and the reflectance decrease. and Hliníková vrstva v kombinaci s ochrannou dielektrickou vrstvou je jedna z nejčastěji používaných možností pro výrobu reflexních prvků v oblasti viditelného a blízkého infračerveného světla. Při depozici těchto vrstev v naší laboratoři byl pozorován problém s degradací kvality ve formě viditelného zašednutí a výrazné ztráty reflektance. Hliníková i dielektrické vrstvy jsou nanášeny vakuovým odpařováním z elektronového děla. V případě dielektrické vrstvy je pak použita varianta zvaná IBAD (Ion Beam Assisted Deposition). Článek představuje výsledky experimentů, kterými byl nalezen optimální procesní postup eliminující degradaci optické kvality deponovaných vrstev.