The posterior attachment organ (sucker) of Temnocephala sp. is located ventrally attached to the posterior end of the body by a well defined stalk; those of Udonella caligorum Johnston and Anoplodiscus cirrusspiralis Roubal, Armitage et Rohde are extensions of the posterior end facing posteriorly. In Philophthalmus, the sucker is ventrally embedded in the main body. The sucker of Temnocephala is lined by an epidermis, its ventral part separated from the adjacent epidermis by a septate junction. The epidermis resembles that of the body proper, containing nuclei and numerous dense bodies, its surface enlarged by short microvilli, traversed by glandular ducts of two types and by sensory receptors, and based on a basal lamina with a thick underlying fibrous matrix. The stalk of the sucker contains many muscle fibres extending from the main body into the sucker. The posterior surface of the sucker of Udonella is separated from the adjacent tegument by a septate junction; it consists of numerous microvilli arising from the basal lamina and does not represent a tegument; glandular ducts of two types open through it, and muscle fibres extend from the body proper into the sucker. The posterior surface of the sucker of Anoplodiscus consists of a thin tegument not separated from the adjacent tegument by a septate junction, drawn out into a very large number of densely packed, long microvilli, some branching from a thick cross-striated base; large glandular ducts open postero-laterally. The ventral sucker of Philophthalmus is embedded in the body proper but clearly bounded by a “capsule” of basal lamina; it is lined by a tegument continuous with that of the main body and lacking microvilli except in a small band around the ventral sucker opening. There is no evidence from ultrastructure that the stickers of the four taxa are homologous. Since there is no convincing other evidence for the homology of the posterior attachment organs of the major groups of parasitic Platyhelminthes (Neodermata) and the Temnocephalida, a “cercomer theory” assuming such homology cannot be accepted as proven.
Cílem studie je prezentovat případovou studii založenou na protokolu Rorschachovy metody adolescentní pacientky s mentální anorexií, demonstrující hypervigilantní prožívání a zkreslené vzorce myšlení. Na základě psychologických charakteristik věku dospívání a kvantitativních výzkumů sledujících poruchy příjmu potravy s využitím Rorschachovy metody jsou vymezeny klíčové proměnné v aplikované metodě a jejich očekávaná konfigurace. Případová studie prezentuje anamnestická data 17leté pacientky s mentální anorexií a informace o kontextu provedené psychologické diagnostiky. Dále je prezentován protokol zahrnující 37 odpovědí získaných v souladu s pravidly Komprehenzivního systému. Vyhodnocení je provedeno v souladu s požadavky Komprehenzivního systému a navíc zahrnuje škály reflektované v předcházejících studiích. Nově je konzultován také skórovací systém Bariér a Penetrací. Vedle zhodnocení shody s očekávanou konfigurací proměnných (introverze, pozitivní PTI, zvýšené Wsum6, Mp a dysforické prožívání, snížené H a Hd, zvýšená agrese a S) je pozornost zvláště věnována dynamice protokolu a významu dílčích proměnných v celkovém obrazu protokolu s důrazem na zkreslené myšlení, téma těla a agresivitu. Případová studie přináší pohled na dynamiku hypervigilantního a fantazií zkresleného prožívání tělesných témat. Vedle omezení vyplývajících z idiografického přístupu k osobnosti je limitem absence dalších protokolů pacientky reflektujících vývoj onemocnění. and The aim of this study is to present a case report based on the Rorschach protocol of an adolescent patient with anorexia nervosa, demonstrating hypervigilant experiencing and distorted thinking patterns. Based on the psychological characteristics of adolescence and quantitative research on the monitoring of eating disorders with the Rorschach test, the key variables of the applied method and their expected configuration are defined. The case study presents anamnestic data of a seventeen-year-old patient with anorexia nervosa and information about the context of the psychological diagnosis performed. The protocol contains 37 responses collected according to the rules of the Comprehensive System. The scoring is done according to the Comprehe nsive System rules and includes the scales used in previous studies. The scoring system for barriers and penetrations is also newly used. In addition to assessing agreement with the expected configuration of variables (introversion; high PTI, Wsum6, Mp; low H and Hd; high dysphoric experiencing, aggression and S), particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the protocol and the importance of partial variables in the overall protocol picture, focusing on distorted thinking, body theme and aggression. The case study offers insight into the dynamics of hypervigilant and fantasy-distorted experiences of body themes. In addition to the limitations of the idiographic approach to personality, the limitation is the absence of other patient protocols reflecting the disease's development