This data set contains four types of manual annotation of translation quality, focusing on the comparison of human and machine translation quality (aka human-parity). The machine translation system used is English-Czech CUNI Transformer (CUBBITT). The annotations distinguish adequacy, fluency and overall quality. One of the types is Translation Turing test - detecting whether the annotators can distinguish human from machine translation.
All the sentences are taken from the English-Czech test set newstest2018 (WMT2018 News translation shared task, but only from the half with originally English sentences translated to Czech by a professional agency.
ParaDi 2.0. is a dictionary of single verb paraphrases of Czech verbal multiword expressions - light verb constructions and idiomatic verb constructions. Moreover, it provides an elaborated set of morphological, syntactic and semantic features, including information on aspectual counterparts of verbs or paraphrasability conditions of given verbs.
The format of ParaDi has been designed with respect to both human and machine readability - the dictionary is represented as a plain table in TSV format, as it is a flexible and language-independent data format.
Czech translation of WordSim353. The Czech translation of English WordSim353 word pairs were obtained from four translators. All translation variants were scored according to the lexical similarity/relatedness annotation instructions for WordSim353 annotators, by 25 Czech annotators. The resulting data set consists of two annotation files: "WordSim353-cs.csv" and "WordSim-cs-Multi.csv". Both files are encoded in UTF-8, have a header, text is enclosed in double quotes, and columns are separated by commas. The rows are numbered. The WordSim-cs-Multi data set has rows numbered from 1 to 634, whereas the row indices in the WordSim353-cs data set reflect the corresponding row numbers in the WordSim-cs-Multi data set.
The WordSim353-cs file contains a one-to-one mapping selection of 353 Czech equivalent pairs whose judgments have proven to be most similar to the judgments of their corresponding English originals (compared by the absolute value of the difference between the means over all annotators in each language counterpart). In one case ("psychology-cognition"), two Czech equivalent pairs had identical means as well as confidence intervals, so we randomly selected one.
The "WordSim-cs-Multi.csv" file contains human judgments for all translation variants.
In both data sets, we preserved all 25 individual scores. In the WordSim353-cs data set, we added a column with their Czech means as well as a column containing the original English means and 95% confidence intervals in separate columns for each mean (computed by the CI function in the Rmisc R package). The WordSim-cs-Multi data set contains only the Czech means and confidence intervals. For the most convenient lexical search, we provided separate columns with the respective Czech and English single words, entire word pairs, and eventually an English-Czech quadruple in both data sets.
The data set also contains an xls table with the four translations and a preliminary selection of the best variants performed by an adjudicator.
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