Bronchial asthma and obesity is among a group of multietiologic complex diseases which influence each other in their origin, and development. The impact on the patient‘s quality of life and prognosis is significant, health costs included. Because of the increasing prevalence worldwide, there has been an increase in the amount of studies dealing with reciprocal associations between asthma and obesity., Jana Kryštofová, Miloš Jeseňák, Peter Bánovčin, and Literatura 39
Cieľ: Cieľom výskumu bolo u detí s bronchiálnou astmou zistiť vplyv ochorenia a stupňa kontroly astmy na kvalitu života dieťaťa a kvalitu života jeho rodičov. Metodika: Na zber empirických údajov sme použili štandardizované dotazníky na kvalitu života – Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) a Paediatric Asthma Caregiver´s Quality of Life Questionnaire (PACQLQ) a na hodnotenie kontroly astmy – Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ). Výsledky boli analyzované pomocou metód deskriptívnej a induktívnej štatistiky. Výsledky: Vo vzorke detí (n = 72) sme zistili, že 27 (37,5 %) detí malo astmu pod kontrolou a 28 detí (38,9 %) bolo v pásme nekontrolovanej astmy. Celkové skóre ACQ (1,24 ±1,07) potvrdilo stredný stupeň kontroly astmy. Celkové skóre dotazníka PAQLQ u detí bolo 5,34 ±1,16, čo indikuje, že deti s astmou vyjadrujú dobrú kvalitu života. U detí ochorenie viac vplývalo na aktivity ako na emocionálne prežívanie a výskyt symptómov. Celkové skóre dotazníka PACQLQ u rodičov bolo 4,53 ±1,07, u rodičov nebol zaznamenaný rozdiel v doménach emocionálne prežívanie a aktivity. Výskum potvrdil, že stupeň kontroly astmy štatisticky významne ovplyvňuje kvalitu života dieťaťa aj jeho rodičov, pričom čím je vyššia kvalita života dieťaťa, tým je vyššia kvalita života rodičov. Záver: Cieľom komplexného manažmentu liečby je dosiahnuť čo najoptimálnejší stupeň kontroly astmy, a tým vytvoriť predpoklady k vyššej kvalite života dieťaťa a jeho rodičov. Využívaním posudzovacích nástrojov na hodnotenie kvality života je možné identifikovať závažný dopad choroby na každodenný život detí aj rodičov., Aim: The aim of the research was to find out the impact of the disease and the degree of asthma control on quality of life in children with bronchial asthma and quality of life in their parents. Methods: To collect empirical data we have used standardized questionnaires concerning quality of life – Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) and Paediatric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (PACQLQ) and for the assessment of asthma control we have used questionnaire Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ). The results were analysed using the methods of descriptive and inductive statistics. Results: In the sample of children studied (n = 72) we have found that 27 children (37.5%) have their disease under control and 28 children (38.9%) were in the range of uncontrolled asthma. Total ACQ score (1.24±1.07) confirmed medium degree of asthma control (partially controlled asthma). Total score of PAQLQ questionnaire in children (5.34±1.16) indicates that children with asthma represent good quality of life. Bronchial asthma in children had more significant influence on activities than on emotions and incidence of symptoms. Total score of PACQLQ questionnaire in parents was 4.53 ±1.07 and we have not registered differences between domains of emotions and activities. The research has proved that degree of asthma control has statistically significant influence on the quality of life of the child and his parents, whilst the higher the quality of life of the child, the higher the quality of life of parents. Conclusion: The aim of comprehensive management of asthma therapy is to achieve the most optimal level of asthma control and thus to establish conditions for higher quality of live of the child and his parents. Making use of assessment tools to evaluate the quality of life it is possible to identify a significant impact of the disease on the everyday lives of children as well as parents., Anna Ovšonková, Iveta Plavnická, Miloš Jeseňák, and Literatura 17