This record contains audio recordings of proceedings of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The recordings have been provided by the official websites of the Chamber of Deputies, and the set contains them in their original format with no further processing.
Recordings cover all available audio files from 2013-11-25 to 2023-07-26. Audio files are packed by year (2013-2023) and quarter (Q1-Q4) in tar archives audioPSP-YYYY-QN.tar.
Furthermore, there are two TSV files: audioPSP-meta.quarterArchive.tsv contains metadata about archives, and audioPSP-meta.audioFile.tsv contains metadata about individual audio files.
The ParCzech 4.0 corpus consists of stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies' meetings in the 7th term (2013-2017), the 8th term (2017-2021) and the current 9th term (2021-Jul 2023). The protocols are provided in their original HTML format, Parla-CLARIN TEI format. The corpus is automatically enriched with the morphological, syntactic, and named-entity annotations using the procedures UDPipe 2 and NameTag 2. The audio files are aligned with the texts in the annotated TEI files.
The audio files in this corpus are available in AudioPSP 24.01 corpus (
This corpus covers the same period as ParlaMint-CZ corpus v4.0 ( ParCzech corpus follows and extends the ParlaMint schema. Both annotated and non-annotated versions include hypertext references to voting and parliamentary prints. In addition to ParlaMint's recommendation, the annotated version contains source audio alignment, PDT xtag, and more detailed CNEC2.0 named entity categorization.