THEAITRE AI research only license
License for using the data for scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence
The text of the contract is available in both Czech and English. The English text is informative only, the Czech text is legally binding.
Consent to use the work - sublicense
The data obtainer, identified by the personal data (name, address, e-mail) he/she has filled in when electronically agreeing to this licence on the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ website (on the one hand; hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee")
Charles University
Public university pursuant to Act No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended
having its registered office at Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Prague 1
IČO: 00216208 DIČ: CZ00216208
Related to: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Address: Ke Karlovu 2027/3, 121 16 Prague 2
represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, doc. RNDr. Mirko Rokyta, CSc., acting on the basis of a power of attorney granted by the Rector of Charles University, prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.
(on the other hand; hereinafter referred to as "Intermediary")
on this day, month and year, pursuant to Sections 2358 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended and in force, and pursuant to Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright, on Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Copyright Act), as amended and in force, enter into the following agreement on granting consent to use the Work (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"):
Article I. Introductory Provisions
1. The Intermediary is not the original author of the Work, but is authorized by the author (on behalf of the DILIA art agency), by contractual agreement, to publish the Work in the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ database (hereinafter referred to as the "Database") and to grant a sublicense to use the Work for the purpose of enabling further scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence.
Article II. Subject matter of the Agreement
1. The Intermediary grants the Licensee permission and authorisation to use the Work published in the Database under the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.
2. The Licensee undertakes to use the Work solely and exclusively for scientific purposes. The Intermediary shall not demand any financial remuneration from the Licensee.
Article III. The Work and the granting of a licence to use it
1. The Intermediary hereby grants the Licensee permission and authorisation to use the Work for the purpose of further scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence.
2. The authorisation under this Agreement is granted as non-exclusive without limitation in time, quantity, territory or otherwise.
3. The Licensee shall not be entitled to use the Work beyond the authorisations granted in the Agreement. The Licensee further undertakes that:
(a) any work or other result of the subject scientific research shall not contain elements or indications that the Work is used therein,
b) the Work shall not be made available to any third party except to persons working with the Database or involved in the subject scientific research relating to artificial intelligence,
c) the Author or DILIA will be allowed to check the terms of this Agreement at any time,
d) the name of the Author or the title of the Work will not be used or mentioned publicly in any way in connection with the Artificial Intelligence Project.
Article V. Final Provisions
1. This Agreement shall enter into force and effect on the date of its electronic acceptance by the Licensee via the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ website.
2. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. It may be terminated without giving any reason by either party by registered letter delivered to the other party, subject to a notice period of one month starting from the first day of the month following the receipt of the notice by the other party.
3. This Agreement may be amended or supplemented only by written amendments signed by both Parties.