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dc.contributor.author Aktualita
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-08T15:10:49Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-08T15:10:49Z
dc.date.issued 1945
dc.identifier.other 3901429-02
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12801/3901429-02
dc.description Segment of the Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1945 No.10 captures the mass funeral of the victims of the air strike carried out over Prague on 14 February 1945, which was held on Peace Square in Prague-Vinohrady on 18 February 1945 and attended by members of the Protectorate Government and Reich Chancellor Augustin Popelka. 150 coffins with the victims are on display in the Church of St. Ludmila. (The air strike killed 701, and more than 80 people were missing.) A guard of honour with torches consisted of officials of the Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth. The funeral gathering is opened by the Mayor of Prague Alois Říha, who bids farewell to the victims on behalf of the City of Prague. Prime Minister of the Protectorate Government Richard Bienert speaks on behalf of President Emil Hácha. Minister of Economy and Labour Walter Bertsch lays down a wreath from Reich Protector Wilhelm Frick. Prime Minister of the Protectorate Government Richard Bienert and Reich Chancellor Augustin Popelka lay down a wreath on behalf of the Protectorate Government and President Emil Hácha. The Mayor of Prague Alois Říha and his Secretary Josef Pfitzner arrive to lay a wreath on behalf of the City of Prague.
dc.language.iso ces
dc.publisher Národní filmový archiv
dc.rights Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
dc.subject akt pietní oběti náletu
dc.subject projev smuteční
dc.subject věnce kladení
dc.subject hajlování
dc.subject rakve na náměstí
dc.subject vojáci Vládního vojska na pohřbu
dc.subject vojáci na pohřbu s pochodněmi
dc.subject pochodně hořící
dc.subject davy lidí
dc.subject sníh padající
dc.subject orchestr vojenský na pohřbu
dc.subject pohřeb hromadný
dc.subject věnce smuteční
dc.subject Významné pohřby
dc.subject Places::Praha::Vinohrady::náměstí Míru
dc.subject Places::Praha::Vinohrady::náměstí Míru::Divadlo na Vinohradech /ext./
dc.subject Places::Praha::Vinohrady::kostel sv. Ludmily
dc.subject People::Říha Alois (1875-1945)
dc.subject People::Bienert Richard (1881-1949)
dc.subject People::Pfitzner Josef (1901-1945)
dc.subject People::Popelka August Adolf (1887-1951)
dc.subject Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita::1945/10
dc.title Funeral of the victims of an air raid on Prague
dc.type clip
metashare.ResourceInfo#ContentInfo.mediaType video
dc.rights.label PUB
has.files yes
branding NFA
contact.person Technical Contact lindat@nfa.cz Národní filmový archiv
files.size 3581756747
files.count 2
refbox.format {title}, {authors}, {year}, {publisher}, {repository}, {pid}.

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