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dc.contributor.other Funk, Adam
dc.contributor.other Peters, Wim 2014-07-30T21:35:24Z 2014-07-30T21:35:24Z 2014-07-30
dc.description GATE-ANNIE, developed by the GATE group at the University of Sheffield (http;//; Cunningham et al., 2002,) is an Information Extraction (IE) web service for English. It consists of the following main language processing tools: tokeniser, sentence splitter, POS tagger, coreference resolver and named entity recogniser. The named entity recogniser identifies and categorizes entity names (such as persons, organizations, and location names), temporal expressions (dates and times), and certain types of numerical expressions (monetary values and percentages). GATE-ANNIE returns the fully annotated document in GATE XML format. The file saved by the client contains ANNIE's output in the default AnnotationSet and the input document's HTML or XML mark-up in the "Original markups" AnnotationSet. H. Cunningham, D. Maynard, K. Bontcheva, and V. Tablan. 2002. GATE: A Framework and Graphical Development Environment for Robust NLP Tools and Applications. In Proceedings of the 40th Anniversary Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-02).
dc.publisher University of Sheffield
dc.title GATE-ANNIE
dc.type toolService
has.files no
additional.metadata Documentation language(s) (field_tool_documentation_langua):English Language(s) of input data (field_tool_input_language):English Readily Available (field_tool_available):Readily available Webservice link (field_tool_webservice_link): Availibility (field_tool_availibility):free Nid:3300 Character encoding of output data (field_tool_char_encoding_output):Unicode (UTF-8) Open source code (field_tool_open_source_code):yes Language(s) of output data (field_tool_output_language):English Character encoding of input data (field_tool_char_encoding):Unicode (UTF-8) Relevant project(s) (field_tool_relevant_project):
branding LRT + Open Submissions
dc.coverage.placeName United Kingdom
files.size 0
files.count 0

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