dc.contributor.author | Ceháková, Markéta |
dc.contributor.author | Chromý, Jan |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-02-13T09:06:12Z |
dc.date.available | 2023-02-13T09:06:12Z |
dc.date.issued | 2023-01-10 |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-4942 |
dc.description | Experimental materials, data and R scripts used in the paper "Garden-path sentences and the diversity of their (mis)representations" (Ceháková - Chromý, 2023). |
dc.language.iso | ces |
dc.publisher | Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication |
dc.rights | Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
dc.subject | psycholinguistic experiments |
dc.subject | sentence processing |
dc.subject | Czech |
dc.subject | garden-path |
dc.subject | reading comprehension |
dc.subject | syntax |
dc.title | Processing of intraclausal garden-path structures in Czech |
dc.type | languageDescription |
metashare.ResourceInfo#ContentInfo.mediaType | text |
metashare.ResourceInfo#ContentInfo.detailedType | other |
dc.rights.label | PUB |
has.files | yes |
branding | LINDAT / CLARIAH-CZ |
contact.person | Jan Chromý jan.chromy@ff.cuni.cz Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication |
sponsor | Charles University - Cooperatio nationalFunds |
sponsor | Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky LM2018101 LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Digitální výzkumná infrastruktura pro jazykové technologie, umění a humanitní vědy nationalFunds |
files.size | 29560555 |
files.count | 21 |
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- Název
- experiment_1_items.csv
- Velikost
- 18.27 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp1 (acceptability judgments): materials
- MD5
- 0a33d8e2ccdcd9e84e0ae9f6b5b44d1b
- Název
- results_exp1_acceptability.csv
- Velikost
- 543.83 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp1 (acceptability judgments): data
- MD5
- 28073392d4f76c7f54ba464008790e15
- Název
- results_exp1_acceptability_description.txt
- Velikost
- 873 bajtů
- Formát
- Textový soubor
- Popis
- Exp1 (acceptability judgments): data description
- MD5
- 22ce6ec08af5850e3fc087a93271592d
##### Description of dataset results_exp1_acceptability.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## ItemNo Item Number generated by Ibex Farm. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## Latinsquare Latin-square number generated by Ibex Farm. ## Answer Acceptability judgment for the given sentence. 1 = totally unacceptable, 2 = totally acceptable. ## AnswerTimes Answer times in ms. ## Age Participant's age in years. ## Gender Participant's gender (male vs. female) ## Sentence Full wording of the sentence. ## NCharSent Number of characters in the given sentence. ## Order Order of the sentence in the experiment. ## logAT Log-answer times. . . .
- Název
- results_exp1_acceptability.R
- Velikost
- 1.47 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp1 (acceptability judgments): R script
- MD5
- 5eb5addad8ab6978586b27952fee3d11
- Název
- experiments_2_and_3_items.csv
- Velikost
- 75.41 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp2&3 (yes-no questions): materials
- MD5
- ea28916b8d7abeb5b205da3d9b484231
- Název
- results_exp2_whole_yes-no_analysis.csv
- Velikost
- 1.5 MB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp2 (yes-no questions, whole sentence at once presentation): data
- MD5
- 0be78916f45c4c9b5d5147dc28158684
- Název
- results_exp2_whole_yes-no_analysis_description.txt
- Velikost
- 1.17 KB
- Formát
- Textový soubor
- Popis
- Exp2 (yes-no questions, whole sentence at once presentation): data description
- MD5
- fbb75c86c4039237bb82a4c34034e7a6
##### Description of dataset results_exp2_whole_yes-no_analysis.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## QuesType Comprehension question type, three values: (i) qcor = question targeting the correct object, (ii) qmis = question targeting the initital misanalysis, (iii) qpos = question targeting the possessive relationship. ## Latinsquare Latin-square number generated by Ibex Farm. ## Sentence Full wording of the sentence. ## ReadTimes Reaction time in ms for the given sentence. ## AnswerTimes Time it took the participant to answer the comprehension question. ## Age Participant's age in years. ## Gender Participant's gender (male vs. female) ## Question Wording of the comprehension question. ## Answer Answer given by the . . .
- Název
- results_exp2_whole_yes-no_analysis.R
- Velikost
- 3.29 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp2 (yes-no questions, whole sentence at once presentation): R script
- MD5
- e4fa856a4491136eff42b1f138bb6a49
- Název
- results_exp3_wbw_yes-no_analysis.csv
- Velikost
- 10.83 MB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp3 (yes-no questions, word-by-word presentation): data
- MD5
- aaea833e46655ea762002e0f50da3ab8
- Název
- results_exp3_wbw_yes-no_analysis_description.txt
- Velikost
- 1.23 KB
- Formát
- Textový soubor
- Popis
- Exp3 (yes-no questions, word-by-word presentation): data description
- MD5
- b886afcf6e94469ec10e2160dbb93845
##### Description of dataset results_exp3_wbw_yes-no_analysis.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## QuesType Comprehension question type, three values: (i) qcor = question targeting the correct object, (ii) qmis = question targeting the initital misanalysis, (iii) qpos = question targeting the possessive relationship. ## Latinsquare Latin-square number generated by Ibex Farm. ## WordNo Order of the word in the given sentence. ## Word The word. ## ReadTimes Reaction time in ms for the given sentence. ## AnswerTimes Time it took the participant to answer the comprehension question. ## Age Participant's age in years. ## Gender Participant's gender (male vs. female) ## Question Wording of the comprehension question. # . . .
- Název
- results_exp3_wbw_yes-no_analysis.R
- Velikost
- 5.63 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp3 (yes-no questions, word-by-word presentation): R script
- MD5
- a06aa5dfdc86e0aa1b33a5935cc07564
- Název
- experiments_4_and_5_items.csv
- Velikost
- 46.66 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp4&5 (open-ended questions): materials
- MD5
- 1dd57597422177f13ca1f335a5b37a34
- Název
- results_exp4_whole_open_ended_analysis.csv
- Velikost
- 1.8 MB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp4 (open-ended questions, whole sentence at once presentation): data
- MD5
- 4d01aca6f89424b199205cdfe0988df0
- Název
- results_exp4_whole_open_ended_analysis_description.txt
- Velikost
- 2.09 KB
- Formát
- Textový soubor
- Popis
- Exp4 (open-ended questions, whole sentence at once presentation): data description
- MD5
- 0529c20ec14590f73cafea3aa6406239
##### Description of dataset results_exp4_whole_open_ended_analysis.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## QuesType Comprehension question type, two values: (i) qwhat = question targeting the object of the sentence, (ii) qwhose = question targeting the possessive relationship. ## Latinsquare Latin-square number generated by Ibex Farm. ## ReadTimes Reaction time in ms for the given sentence. ## AnswerTimes Time it took the participant to answer the comprehension question. ## Age Participant's age in years. ## Gender Participant's gender (male vs. female) ## NCharSent Number of characters in the given sentence. ## Order Order of the sentence in the experiment. ## logRT Log-reaction times. ## Sentence Full wording of . . .
- Název
- results_exp4_whole_open_ended_analysis.R
- Velikost
- 3.51 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp4 (open-ended questions, whole sentence at once presentation): R script
- MD5
- 61e01f7f18412f780759c0d4ad00da65
- Název
- results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_answers.csv
- Velikost
- 1.16 MB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp5 (open-ended questions, word-by-word presentation): data (responses)
- MD5
- 44e4607be7ecd9a2e80ac7f1bea68f79
- Název
- results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_answers_description.txt
- Velikost
- 1.6 KB
- Formát
- Textový soubor
- Popis
- Exp5 (open-ended questions, word-by-word presentation): data (responses) description
- MD5
- 7bbe1bc76fa9783c7fdb7b385ea5d6f3
##### Description of dataset results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_answers.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## QuesType Comprehension question type, two values: (i) qwhat = question targeting the object of the sentence, (ii) qwhose = question targeting the possessive relationship. ## Question Wording of the comprehension question. ## Answer Wording of answer given by the participant. ## Correct Answer correctness. ## ErrorType Type of error. Four values: (i) different = participant interpreted the question incorrectly or responded to a different question than they were asked; (ii) notknow = participant explicitly stated that they do not know the answer to the question or that the information we asked about was not stated in the sentence; (ii . . .
- Název
- results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_answers_analysis.R
- Velikost
- 2.96 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp5 (open-ended questions, word-by-word presentation): R script (responses)
- MD5
- 74e68aa2e1406e019463209c08ef892d
- Název
- results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_rts.csv
- Velikost
- 12.21 MB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp5 (open-ended questions, word-by-word presentation): data - reaction times
- MD5
- 0af98305915080187f89b39bb1250982
- Název
- results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_rts_description.txt
- Velikost
- 849 bajtů
- Formát
- Textový soubor
- Popis
- Exp5 (open-ended questions, word-by-word presentation): data (reaction times) description
- MD5
- dc9d2b8a09e1b804e6b2244e57075a75
##### Description of dataset results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_rts.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## Latinsquare Latin-square number generated by Ibex Farm. ## WordNo Order of the word in the given sentence. ## Word The word. ## ReadTimes Reaction time in ms for the given sentence. ## Age Participant's age in years. ## Gender Participant's gender (male vs. female) ## NCharWord Number of characters in the given word. ## Order Order of the word in the experiment. ## RTinv2 Inversely transformed square root RT multiplied by 1000. ## Sentence Full wording of the sentence. . . .
- Název
- results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_rts_analysis.R
- Velikost
- 3.17 KB
- Formát
- Neznámý
- Popis
- Exp5 (open-ended questions, word-by-word presentation): R script (reaction times)
- MD5
- a88a64759def0574a938ba780a3983c6