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s-203 Why?
s-204 It's just volleyball.
s-205 It's f- like on Saturdays and Wednesdays.
s-206 It's for church.
s-207 It's fun.
s-208 You have practice every Wednesday.
s-209 Yeah but, not at uh
s-210 This is at six thirty.
s-211 I don't care.
s-212 And Susan's going to it too.
s-213 Mm.
s-214 Who cut the grass?
s-215 Marlena did it.
s-216 Marlena did it a long time ago, but it hasn't been watered.
s-217 It's dying.
s-218 I know.
s-219 Gonna rip your purse.
s-220 I know.
s-221 See if I spent the night mom, you'd think I'd still be in my uniform?
s-222 I know she's
s-223 J- she
s-224 See now she's trying to think of ways to cover her tracks.
s-225 I know what you're doing.
s-226 Seen this before.
s-227 I'm hungry.
s-228 Shit.
s-229 I love your jeans.
s-230 Cause I wanted to go to the bathroom when you're done.
s-231 Anyways, they were not.
s-232 Did you get a Sawzall?
s-233 Yes, it's right here.
s-234 Oh.
s-235 I got the blades.
s-236 They're right here.
s-237 Do you remember the uh, program on TV, about Hantavirus?
s-238 About what virus?
s-239 Hantavirus.
s-240 Hutter?
s-241 What's that about?
s-242 I don't re- I don't remember.
s-243 It's the one from the dead mice.
s-244 Oh, yeah.
s-245 Is it, is it all over now?
s-246 Is it for real now?
s-247 Is it in here?
s-248 Is it in the United States now?
s-249 They said, they already determined it was in like eighteen different states.
s-250 What?
s-251 So?
s-252 The Hantavirus.
s-253 What, what are you g-
s-254 Well
s-255 So what're you getting at?
s-256 That insulation out there with the mice shit in it?
s-257 Did you just wash
s-258 Yes.
s-259 Really bothers me.
s-260 I kn-
s-261 Oh oh I know.
s-262 I mean that's the thing I thought of too.
s-263 Well, it's all packed up in garbage bags now.
s-264 I didn't even touch it.
s-265 Used a hoe, stuffed it.
s-266 I didn't touch anything.
s-267 Don't touch anything yellow.
s-268 Okay?
s-269 Not with your gloves or anything.
s-270 Find something else to pick it up with.
s-271 Mhm.
s-272 Did you did you put it in a trash bag?
s-273 I took that brown trash thing, and tucked a bag in it.
s-274 And then I put them in there.
s-275 Squashed em down.
s-276 We need a
s-277 Do you have any sharp objects on you?
s-278 No.
s-279 Keys?
s-280 No I need like a little pin or something.
s-281 You have a pencil?
s-282 You have anything in your hair?
s-283 No.
s-284 Fuck.
s-285 What do you have to hit?
s-286 See this is the little -
s-287 Oh.
s-288 Oh oh.
s-289 Cool?
s-290 Okay.
s-291 Alright.
s-292 See, it was just slow.
s-293 Okay.
s-294 This is me?
s-295 Is this me?
s-296 Yeah.
s-297 Yeah.
s-298 Jennifer.
s-299 Oh.
s-300 That's right.
s-301 There you go thinking again.
s-302 Smart ass.

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