
Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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When you move a field to the category area, the unique items of data are displayed as categories, or related groups of data. Each category consists of one point from each data series. Category labels usually appear across the x axis of the chart, although this can vary depending on the type of chart you are using. Moving fields to the data area Data fields provide the values to be summarized in the chart. When you move a field to the data area, the values from the field are used as the data that is measured in the chart. A filter field is similar to a page field in a Microsoft Excel PivotTable report. For example, when you move a Product field to the filter area, you can have the chart display category and series values for one product at a time. Moving fields to the MultiChart area For example, if you move the Salesperson field to the MultiChart area, a chart is created based on data for each salesperson in that field. In the following example, the Salesperson field is in the MultiChart area, but it's filtered so it displays individual charts for Buchanan and Davolio.

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