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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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indexsentence 18 - 28 < sentence 29 - 39 > sentence 40 - 50

I'm afraid so, he mumbled in his Englishman's way. Well, that's good, that's good. Never mind, Mrs. Bray will join you later. I imagine by the time she's prepared to trust the baby to Venetia the celebrations'll be over. That's what I mean you'll be more or less settled by the time she arrives. They were standing at the door of Mweta's taxi; there was a sudden uprush of feeling between the two men; the Englishman stood there, the small, quick black man took him by the biceps, hard, through his dark suit, as in his own country he would have linked fingers with a brother. Under the release of physical contact, he said to Mweta, I don't know what we're talking about, and Mweta said, You... I told you we expect you back, now. But what would I do? What use should I be to you? He was so accustomed to effacing himself in the hours of discussion of constitutional law and political tactics (a white man, an outsider offering impersonal service for whatever it was worth)...

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