
Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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We favour a reform involving the alignment of prices to world market prices and a reduction in export refunds. Finally, I should like to point out here the significance of a proposal put forward by our colleague Edouard des Places. I see this proposal as establishing some sort of precedent. It was quite a poignant fact that I was away on that particular Friday. We need foreign investors in places such as Telford, north Shropshire, Hereford, Ross-on-Wye and Wyre Forest. I would certainly not want farmers in countries that do not want to join the euro to be penalised. The 2.6 -% margin of fluctuation is nothing new; it already exists within the present system and is already being applied. The flat-rate approach produces more risk of overcompensation, which is why we have set the margin at 2.6 -%. A strong euro will therefore penalise European agricultural exports. Under these conditions, what will the future of the rural areas of Europe be like as a consequence? We in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development feel that this form of production should be encouraged.

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