Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - PUD

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AnnotationUszkoreit, Hans; Macketanz, Vivien; Burchardt, Aljoscha; Harris, Kim; Marheinecke, Katrin; Petrov, Slav; Kayadelen, Tolga; Attia, Mohammed; Elkahky, Ali; Yu, Zhuoran; Pitler, Emily; Lertpradit, Saran; Kirchner, Jesse; Lambertino, Lorenzo; Popel, Martin; Zeman, Daniel; Manning, Christopher; Schuster, Sebastian; Reddy, Siva

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s-1 The Macedonian eastern border with Thrace was now secured at the river Nestus (Mesta).
s-2 Philip next marched against his southern enemies.
s-3 In Thessaly he defeated his enemies and by 352, he was firmly in control of this region.
s-4 The Macedonian army advanced as far as the pass of Thermopylae which divides Greece in two parts, but it did not attempt to take it because it was strongly guarded by a joint force of Athenians, Spartans, and Achaeans.
s-5 Having secured the bordering regions of Macedon, Philip assembled a large Macedonian army and marched deep into Thrace for a long conquering campaign.

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