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Universal Dependencies - English - PUD

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AnnotationUszkoreit, Hans; Macketanz, Vivien; Burchardt, Aljoscha; Harris, Kim; Marheinecke, Katrin; Petrov, Slav; Kayadelen, Tolga; Attia, Mohammed; Elkahky, Ali; Yu, Zhuoran; Pitler, Emily; Lertpradit, Saran; Kirchner, Jesse; Lambertino, Lorenzo; Popel, Martin; Zeman, Daniel; Manning, Christopher; Schuster, Sebastian; Reddy, Siva

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s-1 Cultic remains discovered at the site were a row of ten large standing stones, known as massebot, oriented north-south, the tallest of which was 3 meters high, with an altar-type structure in the middle, and a large, square, stone basin.
s-2 The exact purpose of these megaliths is still debated, but they may have constituted a Canaanite 'high place' from the Middle Bronze Age, ca. 1600 B.C.E.
s-3 The Canaanite city was destroyed in a fire, presumably in the wake of a campaign by the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III.
s-4 The oldest known historical reference to the city is to be found on an inscription of conquered sites at Thutmose's temple at Karnak.
s-5 The Tell Amarna letters, dating from the 14th century BCE, include ten letters from the kings of Gezer swearing loyalty to the Egyptian pharaoh.

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