Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - PUD

Corpus Parttest
AnnotationUszkoreit, Hans; Macketanz, Vivien; Burchardt, Aljoscha; Harris, Kim; Marheinecke, Katrin; Petrov, Slav; Kayadelen, Tolga; Attia, Mohammed; Elkahky, Ali; Yu, Zhuoran; Pitler, Emily; Lertpradit, Saran; Kirchner, Jesse; Lambertino, Lorenzo; Popel, Martin; Zeman, Daniel; Manning, Christopher; Schuster, Sebastian; Reddy, Siva

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s-1 She started out at the RSC in the mid-Sixties playing an asylum-inmate in Marat/Sade.
s-2 The dress is contemporary.
s-3 Where does all her energy come from? Or that voice, which can blast out with a force to induce shockwaves?
s-4 Her neck pushes forward in vein-accentuating confrontation, her hands shake.
s-5 But having allowed Glenda to score such a blinder, who can blame it?

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