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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 How to Make Vegan Cupcakes
s-2 Two Methods:
s-3 Basic Vanilla Vegan Cupcakes
s-4 Basic Chocolate Vegan Cupcakes
s-5 No need to give up wicked cakes when you toss the eggs, butter, and milk!
s-6 Here's a great vegan cupcake recipe to use as a base for whatever flavored icing you want to add to it.
s-7 They're guaranteed to be light and fluffy and perfect for any occasion.
s-8 Ingredients
s-9 Method 1: Basic Vanilla Vegan Cupcakes:
s-10 Servings: 18 - 24 (fewer if you opt for larger-sized cupcakes)
s-11 1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider vinegar
s-12 1 1/2 cups (350 ml) plain soy milk
s-13 2 3/4 cups (345 g) self raising flour
s-14 2 teaspoons (10 g) baking powder
s-15 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
s-16 1/2 teaspoon salt
s-17 1 cup (200 g) sugar
s-18 1/2 cup (120 ml) vegetable oil
s-19 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
s-20 Vegan icing of your choice
s-21 Method 2: Basic Chocolate Vegan Cupcakes:
s-22 Makes approx: 20 - 24 cupcakes:
s-23 275 g (2 cups) plain or all-purpose flour (sifted)
s-24 100 g (3/4 cup) quality cocoa powder (sifted)
s-25 2 teaspoons baking soda
s-26 1 teaspoon baking powder
s-27 Pinch of salt
s-28 450 ml (1 - 3/4 cup) unsweetened soy milk
s-29 2 teaspoons red wine or apple cider vinegar
s-30 320 g (1-2/3 cups) caster/superfine sugar
s-31 320 ml (1 - 1/4 cups) sunflower oil (or coconut oil)
s-32 2 tablespoons vanilla extract/essence
s-33 Method 1 of 2: Basic Vanilla Vegan Cupcakes.
s-34 Preheat the oven to 180oC/350oF.
s-35 Prepare the muffin tray by adding cupcake holders/cases.
s-36 Put to one side.
s-37 Alternatively, use a silicone cupcake baking sheet with molded holes.
s-38 Put the cider vinegar into a small bowl and add the soy milk.
s-39 Stir this well and then put to one side.
s-40 The mixture will now curdle and this is what should be happening.
s-41 Stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
s-42 If you want chocolate cupcakes, add cocoa (about 1/2 cup) to this stage.
s-43 Stir the oil and vanilla extract into the bowl containing the soy milk and vinegar.
s-44 Mix together.
s-45 Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and beat together (by hand or with an electric hand-held mixer).
s-46 Fill the muffin pan.
s-47 Usually fill each paper cupcake holder with about 1/4 cup of batter.
s-48 If you prefer larger cupcakes, then add a half a cup but make sure the muffin pan is larger and the cupcake holders are bigger.
s-49 Bake for 18 - 20 minutes.
s-50 If you can smell the cupcakes earlier, check to make sure they aren't browning earlier (this means they're more than ready).
s-51 If you aren't certain, turn off the oven earlier and let them sit for a few more minutes rather than bake them into rocks.
s-52 Wait for the pan to cool down.
s-53 Place cupcakes onto a wire rack to cool.
s-54 Ice the cupcakes.
s-55 The flavor of icing or frosting can be improved by adding a little of your favorite juice to it instead of soy milk or water.
s-56 Finished.
s-57 Method 2 of 2: Basic Chocolate Vegan Cupcakes
s-58 Preheat the oven to 160oC/315oF.
s-59 If using cupcake cases, arrange on a baking sheet now.
s-60 If using a silicone cupcake sheet, simply have it ready.
s-61 Add the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and pinch of salt to the mixing bowl.
s-62 Mix to combine.
s-63 Pour the soy milk, vinegar, sugar, oil and vanilla into another bowl.
s-64 Whisk together well.
s-65 Pour the liquid mixture into the flour mixture.
s-66 Stir to combine thoroughly.
s-67 Pour into the cupcake cases or cupcake holes.
s-68 Place into the oven.
s-69 Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
s-70 If they smell strongly earlier, test with a wooden skewer; if it returns clean after sticking into a cupcake, they're ready.
s-71 Remove from the oven.
s-72 Transfer the cupcakes to a wire cooling rack as quickly as possible when cool enough to handle.
s-73 Let cool completely on the rack.
s-74 Frost as desired.
s-75 Add standard frosting or make vegan butter cream.
s-76 Tips
s-77 You can add pureed fruit for delicious flavor changes.
s-78 One small container of pureed fruit is sufficient for flavoring (the little containers that children take to school in their lunchboxes.)
s-79 Try strawberry, apple, banana, apricot, peach etc.
s-80 The cupcakes will not be as light and fluffy, however, so be prepared for a heavier cupcake if you add fruit but the added moisture content is a definite plus.
s-81 Instead of using vegan sugar, you can replace it with equal parts maple sugar or rice syrup
s-82 Instead of using vegetable oil, try substituting it for walnut or macadamia nut oils if they are available to you.
s-83 Coconut oil also produces good results.
s-84 And olive oil works fine if it's all that's left in the pantry.
s-85 You can replace the plain soy milk with other flavors like chocolate or vanilla if you want to experiment with changing the flavor of the cupcakes.
s-86 Experiment with the flavors of either recipe by replacing the vanilla extract with fragrant ingredients like neroli orange oil, rosewater, orange blossom water or coconut extract.

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