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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Sydfynske Øhav
s-2 Sydfynske Øhav, the South Funen Archipelago, is located south of the Danish island of Funen, comprising 55 islands and islets, at the mouth of the Baltic Sea, with a bit more than 20,000 inhabitants in total.
s-3 It is one of Denmark's most scenic areas, and should be a top destination of anyone taking the time to explore Denmark outside the capital.
s-4 Understand
s-5 The islands were formed during the last ice age, by ice sliding over the area from the south, only the ancient hilltops was spared from submersion, and forms the many islands and islets peaking above the sea everywhere.
s-6 The area has a milder climate than the country's average, and because of this, is home to flora and fauna not seen anywhere else in Denmark.
s-7 There are strong local movements to convert the area into a National Park.
s-8 Flora & fauna
s-9 The area is one of the most diverse natural environments in the country, and is designated as an international wildlife protection area, as it is home of several rare and protected species.
s-10 If you are interested ornithology the many shallow waters around the islands and islets is a treat with thousands of birds and colonies, one of the more notable is the Arctic Tern, which migrates to Antarctica and back (nearly 40,000 kilometers) every year.
s-11 This is the longest regular migration by any known animal.
s-12 You also find Shore Crabs, Beach Otters and - rare for Denmark - Seals in the shallow waters and beaches.
s-13 On dry land, up on the many islands you can find badgers, stoats and several types of deer.
s-14 While possibly the most exciting animals are found beneath the water: the Harbour Porpoise, Denmark's only resident whale population.
s-15 Get in
s-16 Tåsinge, Langeland and a few of the smaller islands are connected with bridges, but to most of the islands transportation is done with tiny ferries ploughing through the island sea several times per day.
s-17 The main entry points are Svendborg which is easily reach both by highway, bus and train - and Faaborg, which is best reached by bus from Odense.
s-18 From Langeland there are ferries to some other islands.
s-19 For easy reference ferries are listed under the individual islands.
s-20 From Spodsbjerg on Langeland there is a ferry connection across the great belt to Tårs on Lolland.
s-21 Get around
s-22 Bringing a car to the islands serves little point but to rob your wallet of your hard earned cash, and you will be much better served by bringing or renting a bike in Svendborg or Faaborg, or just simply walk since the islands are generally small enough to make this feasible.
s-23 While some islands are connected by the same ferry, you will generally have to go back to the mainland to pass between the islands, if you rely on public transportation.
s-24 However the best way to visit is really by boat, and there are plenty of options to do this.
s-25 A popular option, and one good for your health too, is by sea kayak.
s-26 There are several mapped routes in the area, but remember to be realistic about your fitness, as some of these routes take you a fair bit away from land.
s-27 Several rental places also gives you the option of trained guide, which can both provide information about the sights you visit, and make sure you are safe.
s-28 It is also possible to rent Smack Dinghies with sails to ease the strain, or larger cattle barges if you are in a group at Øhavet's smakkecenter on Strynø.
s-29 Øhavets Smakkecenter, Strynø Brovej 12 (Strynø), +4550981306,
s-30 Smack Dinghies: 225 DKK per hour / 825 DKK per day, Sea Kayak: 125 DKK per hour / 350 DKK per day, 1 hour instruction: 450 DKK.
s-31 Walk
s-32 The archipelago trail (da: Øhavsstien) is a 220 km hiking trail connected by ferries that circles the entire area.
s-33 Completed in 2008 the trail is well marked with regular signs set on wooden poles.
s-34 Allow 4 - 7 days for the whole trail depending on experience and your desired pace, but it is also possible do to day trips along the route.
s-35 The local tourist offices in Svendborg and Faaborg can arrange baggage forwarding between your chosen camps or accommodations during peak season.
s-36 Pre arranged package tours are also available from Travel Heels in Taasinge or Vagabond Tours in Tranekær, in cooperation with the local tourist authority.
s-37 If you choose to do the trek individually be mindful that substantial part of the trails crosses private property, so be considerate.
s-38 A comprehensive guidebook with excellent maps is available in Danish only for 150 Kr at most tourist offices in the region.
s-39 Pamphlets with maps, tips and points of interest in English, broken up into 7 parts is available at the tourist offices as well and as pdf files on the introductory link, it is sometimes also available at parking lots along the route, but these are only restocked a couple of times throughout the year, so you may be out of luck.
s-40 Vagabond Tours, Bjerrebyvej 6 (Tranekær), +4533330040,
s-41 2500-4600 Kr.
s-42 Travel Heels, Vindebyørevej 42 (Taasinge), +4588304520,
s-43 With local guide, for women only 1380-2075.
s-44 See
s-45 Islands in the archipelago listed in east to west order; note that there are many more islands and islets in the area, but these are the ones with ferry traffic that are possible to visit without making special arrangements.
s-46 Most other islands are closed during much of the year for the protection of local wildlife.
s-47 For the remainder of the year, short stays are permitted, which is interpreted by the authorities as a day or a night.
s-48 While you are normally not allowed to set up a tent, you are permitted to sleep on the beach in a sleeping bag, if necessary under a primitive cover like a tarpaulin.
s-49 Birkholm
s-50 Ferry from Marstal on Ærø, 25 minutes, 1 departure per day (but ordering additional departures are possible), 70 DKK.
s-51 Marina: 54º 55,7' N 10º 30,0' E; VHF; 10 berths at? DKK; Depth:2m; Speed: 3 knots.
s-52 Birkholm Is only 1km² and home of a stubborn but loving 8 people, making it one of the smallest populated islands in the country, how long the island can sustain a full year population remains to be seen, but permanent life on the island will probably be a thing of the past in a not too distant future.
s-53 Non the less it is a pretty, but incredibly flat place, with the highest point towering a proud 1,8 meters over the sea!
s-54 some fine old farm houses which the remaining population does a commendable job trying to maintain, since many of them are now empty and the rest used as vacation home for 'Danish foreigners'.
s-55 There are some nice beaches and good fishing once you've toured the island.
s-56 If you are a hunter, you might be lucky to run into the yearly Pheasant or hare hunts - you can even rest assured your 'evil deeds' does some good, as it supports life on the island.

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