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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Hey, what's up everyone?
s-2 Welcome back to another video.
s-3 For those of you who are new here and don't know me, my name is Jasmine, and I'm so glad you're here on my channel.
s-4 If you haven't already followed my social media, I'll link it right here.
s-5 My socials are @jasthenurse.
s-6 So, if you haven't watched my other video, I wanted to give you guys an update as to my experience with Covid.
s-7 For those of you who hadn't already watched that video, I'm gonna link that video right here so that you can watch it.
s-8 Um, so essentially, on the 16th of December, I tested positive for Covid.
s-9 If I'm sounding out of breath, my lingering shortness of breath, and then also you know that I always talk fast in these videos.
s-10 In this video, I wanted to update you all regarding my symptoms of Covid and just my overall experience with it.
s-11 For one, it can make people more aware and then hopefully make people feel a little bit less alone.
s-12 So, my first symptom, which was on Monday, was a sore throat.
s-13 And the thing is, on Sunday night, I had gotten back from work around 9:00 pm, so I took a shower.
s-14 Um I never really dried my hair, which is so awful, but I decided to go straight to bed because I was so exhausted.
s-15 I just wanted to go to sleep.
s-16 But I went to bed with my hair wet.
s-17 And you know like when you wake up sometimes you have like a sore throat because of the fact that your hair was wet and you were cold?
s-18 So, I assumed oh that like maybe it was just like a sore throat gotten because I didn't bother to you know blow dry my hair.
s-19 So, that happened.
s-20 Um what about my day Tuesday?
s-21 My sister tests positive.
s-22 So, you know like I go oh shit like I've been hanging out in the car with her.
s-23 Even though I was wearing a mask, she wasn't wearing a mask, and she was like obviously coughing um.
s-24 And so that prolonged period of time, we were probably in the car with each other for like 40 minutes because we drove one way and then drove back.
s-25 That 40 minutes, her coffee in the car, the all the windows closed, and even though I had a mask on, the virus circulates.
s-26 That Tuesday, I remember I had been getting a little bit more symptomatic.
s-27 My sore throat didn't go away, um very very mild symptoms.
s-28 I all the clinics were closed by the time that she had gotten her results which was around like 6:00 pm.
s-29 I had booked an appointment or an e-visit with my um insurance to get me tested the next day.
s-30 I get tested on Wednesday, and when I'm tested on Wednesday, I remember that night, um I believe that was the day where I had actually gotten a fever and chills.
s-31 So, at night I was getting really hot then cold then hot and cold.
s-32 And I remember at one point I checked my temperature's only like 98.7, but at another point it was like 101 or something really high that was obviously a fever.
s-33 And then around day four, everything started to like stabilize.
s-34 Five, it was like really nothing.
s-35 Um day six was when I noticed like the my sinuses were feeling weird.
s-36 It was no longer a headache anymore.
s-37 It was more like my like congestion like right up here, it was like a weird.
s-38 Know when it you can't like sneeze?
s-39 That's what the feeling was.
s-40 It felt like like like there was a sneeze drop in there, and I couldn't get it out.
s-41 Um so, day six and seven, I started noticing that my taste buds started to change.
s-42 Oh, let me mention, um nearly day two or three, my senses were like really really heightened.
s-43 I don't know if you remember the clip of when I had been eating those chips.
s-44 Chips taste so strong to me.
s-45 I guess that's like what happens when you lose your taste buds, I don't know, olfactory nerves, I don't know.
s-46 So, from there, I had gotten um a complete 180 and went from everything being like really heightened sense of taste and even the smell, because I remember I was gargling apple cider vinegar, and I remember smelling it from across the room, and now I can't really.
s-47 Well, I would say that I have like 30 percent of my taste and smell.
s-48 So, for example, if you can see my Bath and Body Works candle, I try to smell that every morning to see if my change in smell changes, and I have like maybe 30 percent of my like smelling capabilities.
s-49 I have to get like this close to be able to smell the candle, which is insane because those candles are so strong, you literally open one up and you can smell it all over your room.
s-50 I can still smell, but not to my like fullest capability.
s-51 I don't know if you guys have seen those like TikToks where people try and drink different things like pickle juice and water and Gatorade.
s-52 First of all, that's like super inaccurate.
s-53 When you drink, you can still, for example, I took like a ginger shot this morning, and it had cayenne pepper.
s-54 I can still that feel that burning sensation.
s-55 So, for example, I tested if I could drink alcohol, and I drank a Truly, and I can still taste the alcohol like burning sensation going down.
s-56 So, you can kind of distinguish if it's like sweet or salty or tart um, but you can't really taste it to its fullest if that makes any sense.
s-57 Like like for example, I made mac and cheese, I don't know if you saw earlier.
s-58 I don't really know exactly how it tastes because I can only like I can kind of taste the cheese, um the saltiness, but it's more so um I'm able to feel the textures.

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