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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Australian woman claims Church of Scientology imprisoned her for twelve years
s-2 Thursday, May 7, 2015
s-3 Valeska Paris, an Australian woman and former Scientologist, has claimed that the Church of Scientology imprisoned her for twelve years aboard the Scientology - owned cruise ship, Freewinds.
s-4 The Church of Scientology's cruise ship Freewinds in Bonaire.
s-5 Paris was born in Switzerland but her parents moved her to the United Kingdom when she was six so they could be closer to the church's headquarters.
s-6 She joined the Sea Org aged 14.
s-7 In 1995, at age seventeen, she was told to disconnect from her mother.
s-8 Paris claims she was first sent to the ship aged eighteen for two weeks as a teenager but ended up spending twelve years there.
s-9 Paris also claims that her passport was taken away from her and she was forced to work in the engine room.
s-10 I was basically hauled in and told that my mum had attacked the church and that I needed to disconnect from her because she was suppressive. Valeska Paris
s-11 I was basically hauled in and told that my mum had attacked the church and that I needed to disconnect from her because she was suppressive.
s-12 Her mother had spoken out against Scientology on French television after her ex-husband and Paris's father, Albert Jaquier, committed suicide after he lost his fortune to Scientology.
s-13 Paris claims that she was kept at Flag Land Base in Clearwater, Florida until she was eighteen and then transferred to the Freewinds.
s-14 On board the Freewinds, Paris claims that she was working from 6:00am to midnight and due to lack of sleep ended up being a walking zombie.
s-15 She also claims that in 1997 and 1998, she was tasked with removal of asbestos from the ship.
s-16 In 2007, Paris left the ship after a confrontation with the ship's management.
s-17 She was eventually sent to Rehabilitation Project Force in Sydney, which the Church describes as a religious retreat, but critics charge is a forced work camp.
s-18 Here, she met her future husband and subsequently left the church.
s-19 In a statement to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the Church denied these allegations:
s-20 She certainly wasn't 'forced' to be there.
s-21 She was also never forced to perform labour in the engine room.
s-22 They also claimed Paris was a volunteer and claim she has a vested interest for misrepresenting her experiences with the Church.
s-23 The Church also claims that Paris not having her passport was maritime procedure.

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