Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

Corpus Parttrain
AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 The Cost to Be Wise
s-2 Veronique stayed with me that night, lying next to me in my blankets and furs.
s-3 She didn't sleep, I don't think.
s-4 I was listening to her breath.
s-5 I felt as if I should help her sleep.
s-6 I lay there and tried to think if I should put my arm around her, but I didn't know.
s-7 Maybe she didn't want to be touched.
s-8 And she had been a stupid girl, anyway.
s-9 She lay tense in the dark.
s-10 'Are you going to be a teacher?' I asked.
s-11 She laughed.
s-12 'If I get out of here.'
s-13 I waited for her to say more, but she didn't .
s-14 'Get out of here' meant to make someone leave.
s-15 Maybe she meant if she made herself.
s-16 'You come here from Earth?' I asked.
s-17 To get her to talk, although I was tired of lingua and I didn't really want to think about anything.
s-18 'My family came here from Earth,' she said.
s-19 'Why?'
s-20 'My father, he's an anthropologist,' she said.
s-21 'Do you know anthropologist?'
s-22 'No,' I said.
s-23 'He is a person who studies the way people live.
s-24 And he is a teacher.'
s-25 All the offworlders I had ever met were teachers.
s-26 I wondered who did all the work on Earth.
s-27 'Because Earth had lost touch with your world, the people here are very interesting to my father,' she said.
s-28 Her voice was listless in the dark and she was even harder to understand when I couldn't see her properly.
s-29 I didn't understand so I didn't say anything.
s-30 I was sorry I'd started her talking.
s-31 'History, do you know the word ' history '?' she asked.
s-32 Of course I knew the word 'history.'
s-33 'I study history in school,' I said.
s-34 Anneal and Kumar taught it.
s-35 'Do you know the history of this world?'
s-36 It took my tired head a long time to sort that out.
s-37 'Yes,' I said.
s-38 'We are a colony.
s-39 People from Earth come here to live.
s-40 Then there is a big problem on Earth, and the people of Earth forget we are here.
s-41 We forget we are from Earth.
s-42 Then Earth finds us again.'
s-43 'Some people have stories about coming from the Earth,' Veronique said.
s-44 'My father is collecting those stories from different peoples.
s-45 I'm a graduate student.'
s-46 The clans didn't have any stories about coming from Earth.
s-47 We said the first people came out of the sun.
s-48 This somehow seemed embarrassing.
s-49 I didn't understand what kind of student she was.
s-50 'Are you here for stories?' I asked.
s-51 'No,' she said.
s-52 'Ian is old friends with your teacher, from back when they were both with the survey.
s-53 We just came to visit.'
s-54 I didn't understand what she'd said except that they were visiting.
s-55 We were quiet after that.
s-56 I pretended to sleep.
s-57 Sometimes there was gunfire outside and we jumped, even Mam on the bed.
s-58 Everyone but Bet.
s-59 Once Bet was asleep it was impossible to wake her up.
s-60 I fell asleep thinking about how I wished that the Scathalos outrunners were gone.
s-61 I dreamed that I was at the offworlder's home, where it was summer but no one was taking care of the stabros, and they were all glad, and so I was a hero - and I was startled awake by gunfire.
s-62 Just more drinking and shooting.
s-63 I wished my da would come home.
s-64 It didn't seem fair that we should lie here and be afraid while the men were getting drunk and singing.

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