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Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 So you don't need to go borrow equipment from anybody, to to do the feet?
s-2 Do the hooves?
s-3 Well, we're gonna have to find somewhere, to get, something
s-4 So, Mae
s-5 I'm gonna
s-6 Mae Lynne
s-7 We're not gonna do the feet today, I'm gonna wait till like, early in the morning, to do those, cause y- I mean you get so tired.
s-8 N- you just, it takes well, it takes me longer than most people, cause you know, I'm not as strong and, and I'm not as good, as like somebody that would do it all the time.
s-9 You know.
s-10 I mean, oh I mean I trim horses, and stuff like that, but I mean, I'm not like, I'm not uh,.
s-11 I don't know how to say it.
s-12 But you know, they do it for a living.
s-13 You know, most people that you would get to trim your horse do it all the time.
s-14 And I'm not that good or, and I'm not very strong.
s-15 Did they train you
s-16 Yeah.
s-17 Did they train you that
s-18 Yeah.
s-19 Yeah.
s-20 So you have your own equipment, but
s-21 No.
s-22 I don't have my own equipment at all.
s-23 Dad, you know, has done some of it.
s-24 That's another thing too, is I kinda had a b- general idea, of kinda how to do it, just watching him.
s-25 Or and watching, people come to our place, and doing it and stuff you know.
s-26 And, I don't know.
s-27 Then, down there, um, it's mandatory.
s-28 You have to to graduate, you know, or well, to get the degree, you know, you have to take this class.
s-29 And you can only take if you want to, you can only take it for eight weeks.
s-30 And, if you wanna go on in it, you n- then, you can go on.
s-31 You know.
s-32 And I decided to go ahead and go on in it.
s-33 And the first part of it, is like, well we have lecture, then we have lab.
s-34 And like, the first part of it, we just go into the classroom, and he like ...
s-35 In the beginning of the year there was a lot of classroom work.
s-36 I mean, it that's just kinda how it happens, you know, because he kinda has to tell you ...
s-37 They go over the whole, the whole part of the horse.
s-38 I mean, all the skeleton part of it you know, and and they go through every kinda ligament.
s-39 And I mean, there's , millions of ligaments, and millions of tendons, you know, well not millions, but, I mean ...
s-40 Yeah, I bet.
s-41 And then, so we had to know these tendons, and ligaments, and then, all the bones, and, you know, all the way up from the shoulder down, and then from the hip down.
s-42 You know, all the way down to the hoof, and then, the bone in the hoof, and, then all the wall, and, you know, of the hoof, and, what everything was called there, and then, he went over on how to trim it, and where you
s-43 Th- there's a white line, that you go by, and a horse has this little white line, and you clean it out with the with the hoof knife.
s-44 You know?
s-45 And then there and then you can see this little white line?
s-46 And that's kinda where you go by, to
s-47 You know, the horse kinda helps you out, because it, has that little white line right there.
s-48 Mhm.
s-49 And that's where you kinda kinda need a little guide, of where you trim.
s-50 And, I am still scared to do it.
s-51 Because, you know, I mean, you can make a horse go lame, by doing it.
s-52 Really?
s-53 Well you can trim em too short.
s-54 And make em, you know, and they're just a little bit, for f- the first couple of days, you know, I mean they're just sore.
s-55 That's not bad, but sometimes you can get it really bad.
s-56 You can really make a horse really bad.
s-57 And they m-
s-58 You know then, they have to, like, keep em, away from anything, you know, get em really in the soft ground, and, no hard pebbles, or hard clods of dirt or anything?
s-59 So, I don't know.
s-60 I'm a little scared about doing it yet.
s-61 You know, I get em really long.
s-62 I mean they're still long, when I get done with them.
s-63 A lot of times, like, I'll get done, and I'll think I'm done, and I'll look at look down at the horse's hoof, and it's still, it's too long.
s-64 And then like, I would never, ever, ever, trust myself, to shoe a horse.
s-65 See we did that too.
s-66 We did we did a lot of stuff.
s-67 We did a lot of stuff with the like we had the, um, the burners?
s-68 You know, and you'd put the you'd have you started out with the straight iron?
s-69 You know?
s-70 And you'd stick it into the, into the, you know like, actual blacksmithing.
s-71 And you'd put it into the hot coals, you know?
s-72 And then, we'd I I straight bar.
s-73 And we'd make it a a horseshoe out of it, you know?
s-74 But, these shoes we never did put on a horse.
s-75 We just put the shoes that were already made, on a horse.
s-76 And that's as far as we got.
s-77 I mean, if you would really get into it, well as a matter of fact, this is really funny.
s-78 You know, there isn't really any girl farriers around anywhere.
s-79 They're really
s-80 Farrier?
s-81 Th- yeah.
s-82 Farrier is what they're called.
s-83 And the m- the reason they were showing us this at college, was just, to get us, to know if our trimmer, and shoer was doing it right, and plus the knowledge of knowing the bones and ligaments.
s-84 Which we, we had it in another class too.
s-85 We that was kind of a double thing that, we had in in another class, so it was kinda review for us.
s-86 Well it was a review for some people, depending on what time of the year you took it.
s-87 You know.
s-88 If it was a review or not.
s-89 But, anyway, um, what was I gonna say?
s-90 I forgot what I was think-
s-91 You said you never made the horseshoes.
s-92 Gonna say.
s-93 But.
s-94 Well, w- um, when we put em on a horse's hoof, all we do, they're already made.
s-95 They're round.
s-96 We pick out a size.
s-97 You know we'd like look at the horse's hoof, and say, okay, this is a double-aught.
s-98 This is an aught.
s-99 This is, you know.
s-100 What s- what size.

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