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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 What's up YouTube?
s-2 So we are going to do a week of me vlogging.
s-3 It's kind of an interesting week.
s-4 I bounced around here and there, so I have to kind of show you guys around and show you what it's all about, and today I'm on general nuclear medicine, so let's start the day.
s-5 So like I said, I'm on my general nuclear medicine rotation this week.
s-6 I get switched around -- moved around a few times to cover some residents who are on vacation, so I'll be at other spots later this week.
s-7 So so far this morning I've just read a few studies (it's a little slow in the morning) of general nuclear medicine because a lot of stuff takes time for the radio tracers to go into the body or the specific organ we are targeting, so we have to wait a little bit in the morning.
s-8 So I've done three lymphoscintigraphies.
s-9 For lymphoscintigraphies we basically inject technetium in skin surrounding a melanoma and after we inject we wait about 15-20 minutes, maybe up to an hour, and wait for that radio tracer to travel to the closest lymph node which we would call the sentinel lymph node.
s-10 What we do is we mark it under our cameras and then the patient will go up to the OR, have the melanoma, a wide excision of the melanoma, and then they will try to find the lymph node that we marked and take that one out as well to make sure there's no metastasis.
s-11 So I've done three of those this morning.
s-12 I will read a few more scans coming up here shortly and just trying to tie up some loose ends before I go to conference.
s-13 I'll check back in afterwards.
s-14 Ah, the sun feels so good on the face.
s-15 I'm officially done.
s-16 It is about 4:00 p.m.
s-17 We get to head home early today because we finished off the scans, and I'm gonna go home and work out because I was too lazy to do it this morning because for some reason I was tired from having a weekend off, which makes no sense.
s-18 But I'm gonna go work out, cook something for dinner and do this all over again tomorrow.
s-19 We're on a different rotation tomorrow so stay tuned to find out which one.
s-20 Alright it is day two.
s-21 It is Tuesday and today I got pulled to ultrasound.
s-22 Yes, I don't know why I got pulled on today, but I did, so probably just sit in there, read some ultrasounds and get out early.
s-23 I need to film another YouTube video.
s-24 Alright so I've been here just crushing ultrasounds, and today I've been feeling a little under the weather so I've been, like, yeah, I've been like crushing these all day today and then I'll show you what else I've been.
s-25 I picked these up when I was in Amsterdam for ...
s-26 I got sick when I was on Croatia for vacation.
s-27 I have no idea what it says, but I think they're cough drops, so if anybody knows what this says let me know.
s-28 But I'm pretty sure it's just cough drops with some vitamin C in it.
s-29 So this is what I have been doing all day is crushing ultrasounds and having Dutch cough drops.
s-30 So if anybody speaks Dutch tell me what that means.
s-31 Oh and PS, I usually try to avoid taking medicines that I can't read the name of but I had someone help me at the pharmacy in the airport.
s-32 She spoke a little bit of English and I think those are actually cough drops, so, that's the only reason I'm still eating them today.
s-33 You can tell by my voice it's a little on the sore side today so hopefully I get better because, I haven't told you guys yet, but I'm going somewhere this weekend and it's gonna be fun.
s-34 Now it's time to get back to work.
s-35 So I'm officially going home right now.
s-36 Yeah, normally I would go home and work out, especially since it's , like, a beautiful day I would probably go running.
s-37 But since I feel kind of crappy today I'm just going to go home, hang out, rest (ambulance was a little loud sorry).
s-38 So I'm probably just gonna go home and rest and I have to get my hair cut today for my big trip coming up.
s-39 But you still don't know where I'm going.
s-40 But yeah that's pretty much it, hope you guys don't mind this kind of like random vlog that I'm doing, but I just wanted to show you guys kind of loosely like how a week is and the life of a radiology resident.
s-41 So hopefully you guys find it somewhat interesting, and if you do I'll keep doing it.
s-42 So heading home now.

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