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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Wikinews interviews Mario J. Lucero and Isabel Ruiz of Heaven Sent Gaming
s-2 General questions
s-3 What is Heaven Sent Gaming?
s-4 Heaven Sent Gaming is basically me and Isabel, I'm Mario J. Lucero.
s-5 And, I'm Isabel Ruiz.
s-6 And, together we formed this thing, it's sort of like an entertainment team.
s-7 We started it basically, because I wanted to - I wanted to work with Isabel on a lot of projects that we had going on together.
s-8 We were coming with comics, like, left and right, we were coming up with things like Karis, in high school she came up with that one, I came up with an individual story called Thad's World Destruction and, she wanted to illustrate it, and so, that's the way we ended up doing it.
s-9 Yep, we like to just make our own original content, and, yep, that's what we wanted to do.
s-10 How did you two meet?
s-11 We met back in high school.
s-12 In this private, tiny-tiny private school of 50 students.
s-13 But, before hand in middle school, I kept on hearing about this guy named Mario, and he kept on hearing about me, this girl named Isabel.
s-14 And, everyone, all of our friends and all of our acquaintances would say, 'Hey, you'd get along with him really well.'
s-15 So before hand I kinda knew about him, but I never met him.
s-16 And one of our friends, our common friends, he introduced us during study hall, and we just kind of hit it off from there.
s-17 It's true.
s-18 Who else is involved in this project?
s-19 Currently, we're in talks with people.
s-20 There's Jeff [Drake], who is behind the camera.
s-21 Right now, yeah, he's helping us right now.
s-22 We're talking about doing some individual web series, video series.
s-23 Josh Kindig, he's coming on board, he has some ideas for that too, he wants to take over 'aywv' and do more gaming news.
s-24 There's of course Jason, who is our editor and he's the one who writes dD.
s-25 Digital Domain
s-26 What is your purpose behind this venture?
s-27 Well, back in college, back in Collins College, Isabel and I, we had met like she said at Sandia View Academy, and we went off to college together in Arizona;
s-28 and ... (how do I best explain this?)
s-29 Basically, she came up with a few class projects, and I came up with a few class projects;
s-30 we started working with a few of our friends, and colleagues and whatnot.
s-31 Those included Drew Cass, Devin Thurlow, people like that.
s-32 She had several ideas, and she used to draw a lot in the sketchbook, she used to have this thick sketchbook that she used to carry around with her everywhere, where she'd draw these different characters and whatnot;
s-33 and she was always really shy to show that off to people, and I wanted to help her show that stuff, and I wanted to bring it out to the world.
s-34 I was a writer, and she always liked my writings, so I was like, let's just get both of our things together, and let's get this done.
s-35 And for me, what I want the purpose to be, is to inspire people.
s-36 To bring a little more light to the world is what I want, out of all of this.
s-37 And what was the verse that we have?
s-38 First Corinthians 9:25?
s-39 Yes.
s-40 Yeah, exactly.
s-41 We just want to be able to bring, like she said, bring light into the entertainment and into the media industry, specifically is what we do.
s-42 Yeah.

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