Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

Corpus Partdev
AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 We need a
s-2 Do you have any sharp objects on you?
s-3 No.
s-4 Keys?
s-5 No I need like a little pin or something.
s-6 You have a pencil?
s-7 You have anything in your hair?
s-8 No.
s-9 Fuck.
s-10 What do you have to hit?
s-11 See this is the little -
s-12 Oh.
s-13 Oh oh.
s-14 Cool?
s-15 Okay.
s-16 Alright.
s-17 See, it was just slow.
s-18 Okay.
s-19 This is me?
s-20 Is this me?
s-21 Yeah.
s-22 Yeah.
s-23 Jennifer.
s-24 Oh.
s-25 That's right.
s-26 There you go thinking again.
s-27 Smart ass.
s-28 Smart ass.
s-29 Alright.
s-30 Wow.
s-31 Who took over uh ...
s-32 Oh.
s-33 They got North America.
s-34 But not for long.
s-35 Oh, my God.
s-36 Oh my God, did you see that?
s-37 Because player thr- player three is aggressive, so he's gonna like go for everything.
s-38 How do you know?
s-39 Did I make him aggressive?
s-40 Yeah, you made him aggressive, so, he's gonna like, try to tear everything up now.
s-41 Um, that's pretty well, like secure right there, so maybe
s-42 That's me.
s-43 Oh fuck.
s-44 Wow, he wiped my ass out.
s-45 Ah, you suck.
s-46 Watch this.
s-47 Loser.
s-48 What else can we do tomorrow?
s-49 Besides go to the movies, t-?
s-50 Go out to dinner?
s-51 I'm so not hungry right now, it's hard for me to think about food.
s-52 Alright.
s-53 I'd like to go out to dinner though.
s-54 Think we can find a hot dog?
s-55 Yeah, that's a good idea.
s-56 That's an excellent idea.
s-57 There you go thinking again again.
s-58 There you go thinking again.
s-59 I'm gonna whip your butt.
s-60 You think so, hunh?
s-61 Yeah.
s-62 Un-unh.
s-63 That's all I get?
s-64 That's me, right?
s-65 Yeah you get a percentage of the amount of countries you own, and then, for continents you get another set amount.
s-66 So can I get something on this bad boy?
s-67 Yeah.
s-68 See?
s-69 So I hit okay?
s-70 Yeah.
s-71 Hit okay.
s-72 See you got one of each kind of card.
s-73 Excellent.
s-74 Oh okay.
s-75 So I get ...
s-76 So you got ten, looks like sixteen.
s-77 Sixteen?
s-78 Who you gonna trounce on?
s-79 That's you up there, too, right there, you know.
s-80 That's me right there, too.
s-81 Oh yeah.
s-82 Um ...
s-83 When w- you take over another person, you take a you get, their cards.
s-84 The MSG in that Chinese food really got me high for a little bit.
s-85 Does MSG affect you?
s-86 No.
s-87 Not really.
s-88 It affects my mother.
s-89 Gives her headaches.
s-90 Are you gonna attack over there?
s-91 I don't know.
s-92 Thirteen.
s-93 That leaves me with thirteen.
s-94 I wanna fortify.
s-95 You can't move those to there, because they're not touching.
s-96 W- w- well that's kind of bogus.
s-97 Nun-unh.
s-98 Maybe I'll move em right there.
s-99 Done.
s-100 Done.

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