Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - GENTLE

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s-1 Dr. Means,
s-2 It has come to our attention that you are planning to do abortions at your Harry St. location.
s-3 I am stunned that you would take your career in this direction.
s-4 Fewer people than ever before are pro-abortion, quality physicians wouldn't even consider associating themselves with it, and more Americans than ever before are unwilling to turn a blind eye to the killing of a baby when the ratio for adoption is 36 couples to 1 baby.
s-5 Maybe you don't realize the consequences of killing the innocent.
s-6 If Tiller could speak from hell, he would tell you what a soulless existence you are purposefully considering, all in the name of greed.
s-7 Thousands of people are already looking into your background, not just in Wichita, but from all over the U.S.
s-8 They will know your habits and routines.
s-9 They know where you shop, who your friends are, what you drive, where you live.
s-10 You will be checking under your car every day because maybe today is the day someone places an explosive under it.
s-11 People will be picketing your home, your office.
s-12 You will come under greater scrutiny than you've ever known, legally and professionally.
s-13 Much worse than the disciplinary actions and ethical concerns that you've been facing.
s-14 You will become a pariah no physician will want to associate with you.
s-15 You will be seen like all the other hacks that have stooped to doing abortions when they weren't good enough to maintain a real practice.
s-16 You will lose your legitimate clientele, as no one bringing a baby into this world wants to be in the same facility where you are also killing them.
s-17 You will have trouble keeping staff who are willing to participate in innocent blood - shedding and won't be able to keep the sanitary conditions necessary to maintain a healthy medical facility.
s-18 You will end up having the same kind of rat - infested, dirty facility that they have in north - eastern Kansas.
s-19 Anyone who partners with you will experience the same headaches.
s-20 Not to mention the fact that you will be haunted by bloody, squirming, dismembered babies in your sleep.
s-21 You can't do what is morally reprehensible and enjoy peace of mind.
s-22 The Bible says, 'There are six things the Lord hates ... hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises evil schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil 'Proverbs 6: 16 - 18.
s-23 Abortion kills human life - it matters not if you kill it at 6 weeks or at 26 weeks, it's still the unnatural, violent death of a human baby for the sake of convenience.
s-24 You are doing what the Humane Society wouldn't allow to happen to a pregnant dog or cat.
s-25 I urge you to think very carefully about the choices you are making.
s-26 There are 3 churches within 1 block of your practice, and many others who must take a stand.
s-27 We will not let this abomination continue without doing everything we can to stop it.
s-28 We pray you will either make the right choice and use your medical practice to heal instead of kill, or that God will bring judgment on you, the likes of which you can not imagine.
s-29 We don't want you killing our children in our community.
s-30 Good people are tired of this rampant evil, and will stand against you every step of the way.
s-31 Do the world a favor and ABORT this stupid plan of yours.
s-32 It's not too late to change your mind.
s-33 Angel Dillard

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