Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - GENTLE

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s-1 Jerry 6/25/90
s-2 Well I finally heard from Paula and what I heard from her I'm not to pleased with.
s-3 I heard her side of things wich are real different from what you had to say.
s-4 I'm only going to say this one time so you better make sure you understand.
s-5 If you ever touch my daughter again, I'll have you permanently removed from the face of this Earth.
s-6 You better thank your lucky stars you Ashley's father or youd already have your fucking legs broke.
s-7 I found out what happend to most of the money from the van, and I also found out you got 1500 for the truck not 1300 like you said.
s-8 I'm still going to find out how much you got for the Buick and if it's 1 ¢ over 1000 you can kiss your ass goodbye.
s-9 PI also found out it was running like a top and the burnt valves was a bunch of bull shit, just like I thought in the first place.
s-10 You sounded a little shaky over the phone and gave yourself away.
s-11 I told you a long time ago don't play fucking games with me.
s-12 You're playing with the wrong person asshole.
s-13 I've made a couple of phone calls to San Pedro to some friends of mine and the not to happy with your fucking game playing with other people's money and especially you hitting Paula.
s-14 What I want done and it better be done.
s-15 Everything that's mine or hers tools, clothes, books, gun, TV, VCR, I don't fucking care if it's a bobby pin, you better give it to Paula.
s-16 I want all my shit given to her and I mean every fucking thing.
s-17 You have a week to do it or I make another phone call.
s-18 I hope you get the fucking message.
s-19 Your game playing is eventually going to get you in more than a poo butt game player can handle.
s-20 1 week asshole.
s-21 And keep playing your game with Paula and see what happens.

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