Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - EWT

Corpus Partdev
AnnotationSilveira, Natalia; Dozat, Timothy; Manning, Christopher; Schuster, Sebastian; Chi, Ethan; Bauer, John; Connor, Miriam; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Schneider, Nathan; Bowman, Sam; Zhu, Hanzhi; Galbraith, Daniel; Bauer, John

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s-1 Robert Bryngelson@AZURIX
s-2 08/16/2000 12:05 PM
s-3 I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that I'm outta here!
s-4 Today is my last day in the office here at Azurix, and in the coming months, I will start in a new position as SVP in the LNG development group at El Paso Energy.
s-5 This happened very quickly, and I wanted to make sure that I let everyone know before I left.
s-6 I don't have any contact information yet for my new job, but if you want to reach me, you can do so at or at 713-664-7478.
s-7 I enjoyed working with all of you during the past five years at Enron / Azurix, and I wish you all of the best.
s-8 Take care.
s-9 Rob Bryngelson
s-10 PS -- There is a happy hour tonight at Scudeiros on Dallas Street (just west of the Met Garage) beginning around 5:00.
s-11 If you can make it, please come!
s-12 Traci Warner@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 08/16/2000 03:14:14 PM
s-13 Steve, Rod and Elyse -
s-14 Just wanted to confirm our meeting on Tuesday Aug 29th from 1:30 -2:30 to discuss Uof H's endowment proposal.
s-15 We will meeting Rod's office EB4054
s-16 I look forward to seeing you all there.
s-17 Sincerely,
s-18 Traci
s-19 Traci Warner Enron Broadband Services, Inc. Phone (713) 853-3242 Cell (713) 705-7201

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