Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - EWT

Corpus Partdev
AnnotationSilveira, Natalia; Dozat, Timothy; Manning, Christopher; Schuster, Sebastian; Chi, Ethan; Bauer, John; Connor, Miriam; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Schneider, Nathan; Bowman, Sam; Zhu, Hanzhi; Galbraith, Daniel; Bauer, John

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s-1 Im in school for photography and i want to work in forensic so what else do i need to do.?
s-2 Sciences - principally biology but also chemistry.
s-3 You need a background in law enforcement.
s-4 It's not enough to have photography skills.
s-5 Talk to your academic adviser, see what they recommend.
s-6 certainly not 'normal' photography... forensic photography is about the facts:

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