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Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Good morning friends!
s-2 So I've been planning to vlog today um because I was going to do like a little productive day of my life blah blah blah but then I literally had a mental breakdown at 4 am last night.
s-3 And I was like, I can't vlog tomorrow because I'm just not gonna have the mental energy or the physical energy to do anything productive.
s-4 Like I didn't even think I would be able to wake up for my 8:15 a.m. yoga class that I signed up for, but I am awake.
s-5 So I was kind of like, maybe I should vlog today and just see how my day turns around because we're getting off on a rough start right now.
s-6 But yeah, I will just take you guys through another day in my life.
s-7 I'll take you guys to yoga with me and we'll just see if things improve.
s-8 I have my glasses on now.
s-9 Um today's Wednesday, it's quite gloomy out.
s-10 Yeah, I have my usual co-op today.
s-11 And then after that, I have my class, my marketing brand management class.
s-12 And I have a meeting tonight.
s-13 I'm gonna start getting ready for my yoga class soon so let's start doing that.
s-14 I got this workout set from Amazon and it is so good.
s-15 It's like really thick and stretchy and comfy and soft.
s-16 This is my fit for the day.
s-17 I guess I've come to the conclusion that if I wear more workout clothes, like just in my daily life, then I'll be more inclined to go to the gym because I don't have to like change OOTD haha.
s-18 Alright, I'm pretty much all ready to go, I just need to like pack my bag because I am basically just not coming home.
s-19 I'm going to Saxby's right after to just do all the work I need to do for the day, so yeah.
s-20 Alright, I'm heading out.
s-21 I'm actually very excited for this yoga class.
s-22 I think it'll be good for me and it's gonna be relaxing.
s-23 But, I'm running on a lot of coffee and very little sleep today.
s-24 So eee wish me luck.
s-25 Hey friends!
s-26 Hi!
s-27 We're done with yoga.
s-28 She's nice.
s-29 She gave me a foot massage.
s-30 That one I was kind of like, whoa I'm being touched now.
s-31 It was nice, though.
s-32 Yeah!
s-33 I usually don't like massages, but like, this was fine.
s-34 But yeah, we're heading to Saxby's now to do work.
s-35 I have a Starbucks bottle with me.
s-36 I always get super insecure.
s-37 They're probably looking at me and being like this bitch.
s-38 I got Starbucks and went to United by Blue one day and I poured it into a different cup.
s-39 Are you fucking kidding me?
s-40 It's cheaper!
s-41 Starbucks is cheaper than United by Blue?
s-42 Yeah.
s-43 That's just like a local cafe.
s-44 The chai latte is better.
s-45 I'm in a much better mood than I was this morning.
s-46 I literally started the vlog and I was like, 'hey!'.
s-47 And now we did yoga!
s-48 So now we did yoga.
s-49 Serotonin is coursing through my body and so is a lot of caffeine.
s-50 My co-op hours start in like an hour and I'm just gonna be doing emails again and again.
s-51 But that's okay.
s-52 Good afternoon friends!
s-53 I was a terrible vlogger today because I got home and just completely knocked so.
s-54 Why is this avocado red?
s-55 Like red how?
s-56 Like literally red.
s-57 Anyways now it's like 5:19 p.m.
s-58 We're making dinner.
s-59 As you can see, we're we're actively making dinner.
s-60 And on today's vlog segment of cooking with Ash, Harry!
s-61 Both wearing sorority sweatshirts.
s-62 One of us needs to change.
s-63 Well I got this from you and I put it on first.
s-64 We're making pesto pasta with penne, roasted peppers, onion, garlic, and avocado.
s-65 AKA every vegetarian thing that Ash has in her fridge that will remotely go well together.
s-66 Gordon Ramsay could never with this technique.
s-67 The one-handed type.
s-68 The one-handed chop whatever.
s-69 You know I've been cooking a lot more in my vlogs and I'm starting to think like, what if Gordon Ramsay is watching my vlogs and just absolutely shitting on me.
s-70 Alright friends we're back, but now on Harry's phone because my phone died.
s-71 Mhm.
s-72 We we love a boyfriend that supports the YouTube hustle.
s-73 Yes it's a I provide a service.
s-74 Yeah, he doesn't watch my videos though.
s-75 I like them.
s-76 You you like my videos?
s-77 Yeah I press the like button.
s-78 Oh so you don't even like, emotionally like them.
s-79 You just physically like them.
s-80 Well I'm there for some of them so I like those.
s-81 You only like the ones you're featured in?
s-82 That's not what I that's not what I said.
s-83 That's what you implied.
s-84 Are we having our first couple fight on the vlog?
s-85 You're taking words out of my mouth.
s-86 I just don't appreciate it.
s-87 I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna call this vlog first couple fight, not click bait.
s-88 Anyways we're going to chop these bad boys up.
s-89 Do you want to use all three of them or just like one of them or?
s-90 Why don't we just use a little bit from all three so we get some color in there?
s-91 Yeah, let's make it colorful.
s-92 Yeah.
s-93 Sizzle!
s-94 My parents are gonna be so proud of me that I'm cooking.
s-95 Yeah.
s-96 I hope so.
s-97 Mom and dad if you're watching this, I'm making healthy food.
s-98 Here comes the pasta.
s-99 Yay dinner!
s-100 It's delicious.

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